How would you like to be the kid in this cartoon? Dads can be clueless, can’t they? He may be surprised to discover his find doesn’t have a way to connect to the Internet. It would be a nice machine for someone looking for a trip back in time. But it wouldn’t be very practical for today’s computer needs. The father had not considered what his son truly needs.
This cartoon was for a book I illustrated entitled New Rider’s Official Internet Pages. It seems silly today, but at the time, a book about how to find what you were looking for on the Web was a good idea. Search engines were still a bit clunky. Google wouldn’t exist for another three years. So why not use a paper book to search on the Web? Today, that book is about as cutting-edge as a Commodore 64 computer.
You can still buy Commodore 64’s. E-bay has plenty of them for sale. While they don’t cost as much as when they were new, they still appear to cost as much as a new tablet or laptop. Today, you wouldn’t buy one for its power, but for nostalgia.
We can get stuck in thinking we know what the solution is when it isn’t appropriate. Old technology won’t work for today’s students. Yet, someone with an eye for eighties technology would love it. When considering a solution, be sure you know your audience. You want someone to be surprised in a good way.
In the meantime, who wants to play Ace of Aces on an old Commodore 64?