I have a strange feeling today that all the mess with the COVID-19 virus is because a child caught a leprechaun and the ornery critter found a way to prevent kids from taking any of the spring standardized tests!
It’s going to be a strange Saint Patrick’s day for 2020. All of us will be staying at home. There will be no green dye dumped into the Chicago River… or maybe it will! It sounds like some prankster made at least part of the tradition happen.
Everything seems like a strange leprechaun dream right now. But it will eventually all pass. Let’s keep doing the hard work to keep this virus from spreading faster than it should. Keep washing your hands and practice social distancing. Stay home tonight. It’s the responsible thing to do.
And if by any chance you catch a leprechaun, bypass the pot of gold and see if they can mitigate some of this COVID-19 mess!