The other day, I was a substitute teacher and had lunch duty. A little kindergartener raised her hand and I came over to her. She had two notes in her lunch bag. She asked me to read them. One said, “You are beautiful!” The other said, “You are smart!” The little girl beamed as I said, “Two very true statements!”The mother or father who made those cards discovered a very important concept: The words we say to our children are the most important words we may utter the entire day. They can forecast future results. They are the most important marketing messages anyone can ever proclaim.
Marketing is the act of promoting a product or service. Our children are products. They are brands. Every day, their brand perception is increased or decreased. How they see themselves will affect how others see them.
We parents can promote or demote our children with our words. The parent of that little girl chose to speak life, promotion, and blessing upon their little girl. I don’t know what the girl’s parents do, but they already scored a major win with their most important job that morning. Those notes were the two greatest marketing messages I’ve seen in a while.