Attitude motivation

Courage and Mindset

Courage takes a positive mindset. Whoever said, “This is going to go badly. It inspires me to do more!” No, that kind of thinking inspires no one.

We get inspired by the story of the person who marches on against all odds. Is it because they’re the smartest or most talented? No, it’s because that person can envision a better outcome than everyone else. The odds may not be in their favor, but they move ahead with courage and faith.

Mindset matters! If you are certain the project will go badly, what’s the point? If you know there will be obstacles, but believe they can be overcome and there will be a payout, you are much more likely to do what is required to make that project a success.

Are you negative about something that must be done? Change your mindset! Look for ways that could make the project successful. Find a way through the obstacles. Look at the obstacles as challenges that can be overcome. You may be surprised to find the answer was there all along but a pessimistic mindset blinded you… until now!


When is it time to quit?

Is it time to quit when things just seem too hard? Is it time to quit when everyone around us has given up? What about when all the reports and social media say it’s time to quit?

  • We love a good story where the hero doesn’t give up even when all seems lost.
  • We revel in the feel-good tale of a pet that is found when most thought the critter was no more.
  • Who doesn’t like to see someone who has overcome the odds?

There is always a chance that an effort is futile. We may not always get what we want. But those who refuse to quit will reap rewards even if the odds are against them and the battle is a foregone conclusion.

We can find a good cause and change the world for the better when we refuse to quit. But when we do it…

Resolve only reaps rewards when we treat others the way we want to be treated. That includes any perceived enemies.

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to give up. "Napoleon Hill
Encouragement History

Making the Best of Today and Archiving for the Future

I love it when an article has a positive spin on some of the challenges we’ve all faced in 2020. 

Back in April, this story commented on what one organization is doing during the crisis. It states that The Indiana Historical Society is asking Hoosiers to contribute to telling the story of COVID-19.

This is important because right now, we are all just trying to endure during this ordeal. One day, this will be behind us, and it will be a distant memory, much like The 1918, Spanish Flu Pandemic is for us today. Nobody thought much about it until we had this new pandemic to deal with.

Collectively, our memory can be short, especially when it comes to unpleasant events. Processing what we are going through can help us to make the best of today and remind us in the future how we got through this. And yes, we will get through this! Keep the faith and have the wherewithal to notice and archive what is going on today. If you live in Indiana, you may want to contribute to the archive at the Indiana Historical Society.


The Cost of Negativity

We all go through wilderness experiences. Everybody has gone through one in 2020. The pandemic has made that a virtual guarantee. Today’s quote by Mark Batterson reminds me we don’t have to stay there.

When things get rough, do you let negativity creep in? Do you feel a sense of entitlement and believe you are too good to have bad times? Perhaps you let despair make you believe that things will never change.

Don’t let negativity keep you in the wilderness! Yes, we all face hard times. There are events, circumstances, and people we’d all like to change. Start believing and claiming the positive by faith.

  • Things will change for the better eventually
  • You can walk by faith instead of fear
  • Temporary setbacks need not define you
  • Speak positive and encouraging words
  • The solution will come

Nobody wants to stay in the wilderness. Don’t let negativity keep you there.



All the Sordid Details

I had the privilege to ride with my father for the previous two days. We talked about various things from politics, to crazy drivers, to advice about finishing life’s race well.

No, there we didn’t discuss sordid details. Oh, and I know there are unsavory stories from the past, but we didn’t discuss them. Every family has skeletons in the closet. If you are interested in genealogy at all, you’ll soon find them.

One of the many lessons I’ve learned from my parents over the years is to stay positive. Whenever I would get down, my mother was there to say, “Keep looking up!” Whenever I would say something unkind, she would recite, Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another. You can’t do too much mudslinging, insulting and roasting with that reminder.

So that’s why I take the opposite approach to the boy in my cartoon. I’ve had two great examples that have reminded me there is a much more excellent way to speak than to air someone’s dirty laundry.

Cartoon of a boy at a computer. He says to his mom, "I'm writing a blog. Does your family or Dad's have the most sordid details?"