Do you learn anything from a goofy teacher? When I first drew this cartoon, I thought about how goofiness and whimsy made teaching fun.

The best days I had when teaching were when I was having fun with the class and so were they. In the process, I was teaching them something without the students realizing it.
The worst days I had as a large group teacher were when I took myself too seriously. Maybe I was having a bad day or week. Instead of laughing at myself, I thought too much about myself.
I let pride get in the way. I cared too much about how I looked. As a result, I didn’t have a good time… and neither did the students.
There needs to be a little goofiness in teaching
Lectures are rarely fun. It is a wonder anybody really learns anything from them! If there isn’t anything to pique our interest, it just feels like someone droning dead facts and figures.
I distinctly remember two teachers from junior high.
- One was always singing a silly song
- He would crack jokes about the subject
- He would encourage the students to participate in both the teaching and the jokes.
I learned a lot about geography from that teacher. But another teacher was a different story.
- He had a monotone voice
- He rarely showed emotion
- It was as if he was bored with his subject and would be just as excited to get out of class as the rest of us.
As a result, I did poorly in that math class. So I thought I was horrible at math because of him and another bad math teacher from fifth grade. But I surprised myself and my parents when I took algebra the next year and my grades shot up.
The way the teacher presented that material made the difference!
Humor makes a difference in education. It boosts retention and inspires a sense of wonder. Not only that, when done right, it helps students pay attention.
Whether you are a professional teacher, a parent teaching from home, or a business executive that is giving a presentation, remember to provide a little whimsy and fun in your teaching.
- Find something exciting about your subject
- Look for some humor and crack a few jokes
- Use your voice effectively
- Vary the inflection
- Make sure to express emotion
- Practice the delivery
Do you learn anything from a goofy teacher? Absolutely! When done right, it makes the lesson memorable. Make learning fun. You and the students will be glad you did.
Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.