Do you feel like giving up? Did you think you had some traction, only to discover you were on ice and sliding downhill? In those times, it can be tempting to give up, throw in the towel and sulk in a corner. It may feel hopeless. But it’s not over until you say it’s so!

Yogi Berra was famous for his yogiisms. Even the BBC noted while some of his sayings were silly, this one has become quite helpful:
“It ain’t over till it’s over.”
Yogi Berra
Linguistically, the phrase is a tautology. It’s a phrase that says the same thing twice in a different way. Thanks, BBC, for giving me my word for the day!
I first wrote this in January 2020. At the time, we had an inkling that there was a serious virus circulating across the world. Little did I know how I would need to remember to keep going when the world felt like it was spinning out of control!
We have gone through a lot. No doubt, there were times when you were tempted to just give up. After all, it felt like any decision we made was a life-or-death issue.
But there are many reasons why it’s better not to give up. There is always hope if we keep going. Sure, we may feel like we’re going the wrong way up an icy hill. However, you never know whether victory is right around the corner.
It’s never really over until you say it is. Maybe it is time to end a situation and pivot to a new direction. Maybe if you are on a slippery slope, it’s time to relax and enjoy the ride for a moment until things smooth out. Perhaps you have been staring at a problem for so long, you believe there is only one solution. If you catch your breath, reevaluate and get creative, there may be many more options.
Too many times, it can be tempting to quit right before a victory. Build your perseverance, realize there is hope, consider the options and adjust. It’s not over until you say it’s so.
Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.