
No Victim of Circumstance!

The new year and decade is almost upon us! I am thinking of new goals and plans for the coming year. There will be a lot going on, including a wedding for my daughter, a new career for my wife, and a new book or two from my pen/word processor (hold me to this one!)

The other day, I read a great article by Melissa Chu entitled, 8 ways you’re making life harder than it has to be. It had some great nuggets of wisdom. I encourage you to read all eight. One that stuck out to me was the last one; pouring your energy into something outside of your control. Chu wrote,

When you wait for someone to choose you, or for a chance event to transform your life, you’re essentially pouring your energy into unproductive emotions and thoughts.

Melissa Chu

I’ve done this to myself several times. So often, I’ve heard a great sermon and what do I do? I think of someone else that needs to change instead of considering what I need to do. There have been times in my life when I have been down and expected someone to come to my rescue or something that would happen to change everything. the problem with that attitude is I start sounding like Curly from the Three Stooges.

I’m a victim of circumstance… not!

Chu’s article is a good reminder for me that I need to focus on my Internal Locus of Control instead of the External Locus of Control. I can’t control others, nor should I. Who am I to control another person?

This coming year, I’ll pray for others instead of trying to control them. And I’ll focus on the things I can control, like my attitude, my decisions, and my resolve to learn and grow.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sermon Notes: “Necessary Endings Lead to New Beginnings”

Over the years, I’ve written and drawn dozens of sermon notes. One of my regrets is that I didn’t create any of my grandfather’s sermons when he was active. I had not developed the skill by the time he retied. But one of my thrills was to do it today of my wife’s debut.

As recently as last year, if you asked her if she would speak before a crowd beyond presenting the kids during a special or giving the announcements, she would have politely declined. But as she has grown deeper through spiritual disciplines, something has changed within her.

Here is a copy of my notes. They are two pages since she spoke both hours. It’s interesting to me to see what I got out of one hour versus another when you hear a speaker more than once.

Sermon sketch notes "Necessary Endings Lead to New Beginnings."
Sermon Notes on “Necessary Endings Lead to New Beginnings. Sermon Copyright 2019 Paula Spear

Her topic reflected that. She has learned the value of being still as opposed to being busy, busy, busy! It has caused her to reevaluate what her calling is in this stage of her life.

I love how she has grown and continues to grow in this stage of her life. Whether you are new in your career or have been in the workplace for decades, we all need to grow. We all need to change and experience new beginnings. But as she has learned, it takes the courage to end some things.

Part of her journey has come from a book she quoted in her sermon. We recommend it. It is Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud.

I am proud of my wife because she is leaving her role at our church under great circumstances. She didn’t wait until she developed a bad attitude, or when her work began to suffer. She left under great circumstances and with a staff in place that will continue to make great strides in the children’s ministry. Now we shall see what the new beginning will be in the coming weeks.

family growth

She Speaks, Ends, and Begins Today

This morning, my bride speaks before our church. It’s her last day as a children’s pastor and first day as a speaker. It has been amazing to see her growth in the last couple of years.

It will be most interesting seeing her on the stage as she closes her time at Salem Church of God. It has been the most amazing place for us. The people have been fantastic. Paula has had great support. As she will say in her sermon, her departure doesn’t make much sense except that she is making a step by faith.

I have seen amazing growth in her since she began in children’s ministry seventeen years ago. As recent as last year, she would not have thought of speaking to the entire congregation. Yet, I have seen natural talent in her and a passion to speak and get her message out. We believe her next step involves speaking into women’s lives. It’s been a thrill to witness her transformation in the last year.

For a few weeks, I’ve been talking about change, and worry. Here is the culmination of it. We don’t know what her next step is. We do know that change is coming and starts today.

I’ve tried to behave myself the last couple of weeks so I did not become subject of a sermon illustration. We’ll see how that goes this morning! My tendency to worry and be snarky probably did not help me with this goal.

I am quite proud of my wife. She is walking and speaking by faith this morning. You can bet there will be a sketch note on her sermon. Ready or not, here we go!


Hiding in the Balcony

The first time I saw a balcony, I was enamored. I was about seven. We were seeing a kids’ movie in an old theater. I thought of how cool it would be to be above everyone else and see not only the movie but what was going on in the audience. 

I figured you didn’t have to behave yourself up there. If the movie was boring, you could chat with your friends. You could even run between the seats… as long as you were quiet. I saw the balcony as a place with freedom and without commitment. I could be anonymous.

Cartoon: Roosting in the balcony

I now know that freedom comes with a price. If I have no commitment to what is going on in front of me,

  • I miss out
  • My attention is divided
  • I do not affect the outcome
  • That’s where the critters hang out

I can’t be a leader from the balcony. I am not really a participant. I have found it to be more fulfilling and I have a better time when I am in the front row. The balcony offers freedom. The front row is where life change happens.


The Weight of Worry

I’m a professional worrier. I worry about my kids. I worry about the world my future grandkids may one day inherit. I worry too much about finances, climate, politics, and if we have enough of the vital things like popcorn in the cupboard and ice cream in the freezer. 

I come from a long line of worriers. I remember riding with my grandmother to pick up my grandfather from a trip. He was on a tour bus. The whole time, she was fretting that the bus could be in a fatal accident, that he possibly didn’t make the bus (it was long before cell phones), that she didn’t get the address to the pickup up site right. By the time she got all of her worries out, I was a nervous wreck and Grandpa was right there with group, waiting for us.

There have been times in my life when I’ve felt like the two goldfish in my illustration. I just know the bowl is going to burst any moment and I’ll be clinging for life. Can anybody relate?

Two goldfish look worried as they see their bowl is cracked

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)

This proverb reminds me of what a comfort it is to give a word of encouragement. It can be easy to get discouraged by all the bad news and the prophets of doom. But an encouraging word lightens my load. It lets me see how silly my worries can be. An encouraging word gives me hope and reminds me that the vast majority of things I worry about never happen.

This is why I have decided to blog daily. Tomorrow, I will have blogged daily for three months. I hope if you have followed along, you have been encouraged along the way.

So be encouraged, my friend! Things aren’t as bad as they seem. At the very least, you don’t live in a cracked fish bowl!