motivation Proverbs

Broken Beyond Repair

Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.

Proverbs 29:1 NLT

Criticism can sometimes hurt. It’s especially painful when our pride gets in the way and we feel we don’t deserve the rebuke.

Criticism can also be wrong. The talent manager of the Grand Ole Opry fired Elvis Presley after he bombed on stage and said Elvis should go back to driving a truck!

Cartoon of one woman saying to another, "Sure we're all broken people, but Frank is just cracked!"

Yet, there is truth in today’s proverb. While criticism can hurt, it can also be an opportunity for growth. The challenge is to glean truth from a barbed comment and learn what you can from it. Elvis learned from that experience the audience of the 1954 Grand Old Opry wasn’t his audience, but he soon found his base. If he was determined to go back to the Opry and focus on it, we may have never heard of Mr. Presley.

If we do anything of value, we will face critics. Decide today how you can learn from it without allowing it to get you down.


Stockpiling Coffee and Other Things

Swiss Government Gets Roasted Over Coffee Stockpile Changes 

I nearly spit out my coffee when I heard the dreadful news the other day. It seems the Swiss Government was considering taking coffee off of the Essential-to-Life list.

Illustration of a man with his coffee. His cat is sitting atop his head.

It’s rather humorous, even to this coffee drinker. If the world was coming to an end, would coffee really matter? It would be a comfort, but essential to life?

We get fixated on things we consider valuable and begin stockpiling them. We become stingy before we know it. All those coffee beans could be useful now. Do we really need to stockpile 16,000 tons of coffee for a population of 8 million people?

It reminds me of this Proverb:

Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.

Proverbs 11:24 NLT

We end up losing the very thing we are stingy about. Before you stockpile money, wealth or coffee, consider if what you are holding back may make you poorer in the end.


Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Albert Einstein

Yes, I wondered if Einstein really said this too, According to the link, Einstein said it in a 1929 interview with my old employer, The Saturday Evening Post. I wish I would have known that when I was an intern there. Alas, it was before the Internet and would have required some clue where to look in the archives.

I agree with this quote because knowledge is based on what we do know. It is based on facts and research. We rely on scholars and historians to reveal what is known and has been known.

Imagination makes things possible. True, there probably won’t be a green and purple polka dot blob at your door today, but no building, no goal, nothing made in the future can happen without someone imagining it can be done.

Imagination is a powerful tool. Imagination with fear can make awful things a reality. Imagination with a positive attitude, love and desire to create can change the world in mighty ways.


Stay on track!

Nothing great was ever done without much enduring.

St. Catherine of Sienna

Patient endurance is a quality that is in short supply these days. Marketing appeals to our need for instant gratification. The problem with that is the feeling of being gratified is gone as quickly as it came.

  • Businesses take a short term approach and are concerned with quarterly profits
  • We want our needs met and we want them met now, even if it means going into debt
  • We want that loved one to meet our needs even if theirs aren’t being met and they have a hundred things to do at the moment

But the truly great things that satisfy take time and patience.

  • Planting a garden
  • Raising healthy, independent children
  • Growing a business that lasts
  • Changing a community for the better

If you have a vision of something great, stay with it through the messy middles. There will be interruptions. There will be times something else sounds better. Be so patient it makes the hotheads want to put up their dukes because they can’t stand it!


I Never Met a Man I Didn’t Like

I never met a man I didn’t like.

Will Rogers

The other day, I read the book, I Never Met a Man I Didn’t Like: The Life and Writings of Will Rogers. I’ve been interested in his work since I was a teen because he had a way of sounding plain-spoken, funny and thought-provoking all at once.

I find this quote quite profound. Is there truly something likable about everyone no matter how bad or evil they appear? Can you say the same about a serial killer? A dictator?

To me, this is another way to say, Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. There is something in the soul of every man and woman that is good, whether they show it or not. At the same time, each human heart has an evil, dark side, whether they show it or not.

During this Christmas season of love, hope, and joy, may we find the likable in everyone. May there be peace on earth, goodwill to all.