
First Sunday of Advent

Cartoon of a boy rejoicing because Christmas is coming
Christmas is Coming! ©2006Kevin Spear

I love this time of year because the anticipation is building. True, yesterday, I lamented how Christmas music in some areas has been playing for a month. but this is where the excitement of Christmas becomes real.

This morning, I get to teach the lesson to our elementary kids at Salem church. We will start with the prophecies in Isaiah 9, 53 and Micah 5. In churches across the world, the first candle of Advent will be lit.

In the darkness, a single candle of hope begins. After a few days of Thanksgiving and gratitude for the present, we can focus on hope and anticipation for the future.


And Now Comes the Christmas Music!

Earlier this month, my wife and I made a trip to celebrate our daughter’s engagement. By “earlier,” I mean it was November 3rd. As we were traveling back, I made a stop at a Jacksonville, Florida gas station. When we entered the store, we heard It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The Halloween candy was still for sale next to a display of jolly old Saint Nick.

We complain about the Christmas season come earlier and earlier each year. We’ve been doing this for decades. And I’m sorry to say, businesses will keep doing it until it doesn’t work anymore. People tend to take something seasonal and successful and expand it until it loses its meaning. We want more of something good until we have so much of it, it sickens us.

Personally, I didn’t mind the Christmas music and the early decorations. However, I can imagine the clerk wasn’t thrilled about hearing the music for the next two months. We may need to give retail clerks a little extra grace this year. The Christmas merchandising season, along with its soundtrack, came way too early!


Making Something From Nothing

Before I tackled this morning’s topic, I tweeted this:

I have loved this morning because I’ve had a chance to take some more life out of a pen as I wrote my morning pages. I enjoyed praying, thinking, and writing my thoughts down.

In a sense, it’s creating something out of nothing. I let the thoughts flow and saw where I ended up.

On the other hand, can we ever truly create something from nothing? I need a pen and paper in order to write. If not a pen, maybe a keyboard. We act on something in order to bring our thoughts and creativity to life.

Every creative person needs some time to express their thoughts and see where they lead. That is where we create something from nothing.

Get your thoughts out today and express your creativity. Whether it’s with pen and paper, some craft clay or in song and dance, we all need to bring our thoughts out into the open once in a while. It’s good for our personal and business lives.


Attitude of Gratitude on Turkey Day

My prayer for each one of you this morning is that you find something to be grateful for.

  • Show love to your loved one, even if they have different opinions than yours.
  • Talk about the good memories
  • Talk about the funny times (dancing turkey cartoon anyone?)
  • Be generous with praise and stingy with criticism
  • Tell a loved one something you appreciated about them or something you’ve admired about them

You may have experienced pain and heartache this year. If that is the case, remember the good time too. For no matter how dark the circumstances, there are always rays of light.

On this day, take some time to have an attitude of gratitude.


Gratitude List

In the USA, Thanksgiving will be tomorrow. Every day is a good day to make a gratitude list. Here are a few things I am grateful for:

  • I have the freedom and the technology to express myself to anyone who wants to read this
  • I grew up in a loving family and am so blessed to carry that tradition to the next generation
    • Great parents that are still living
    • Awesome siblings and their families
    • Great in-laws
    • A wonderful wife
    • Two great kids
  • I have the mind and skill to be able to express my thoughts
  • I live in a time where the comforts of heat and air conditioning are common
  • I can go where I want and travel to see loved ones this week
  • I’ve been blessed with health and the ability to exercise
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate & peanut butter: two of the most wonderful food combos ever!

I’m sure you have a few of your own. Before you head out into the crazy Thanksgiving traffic, make a list of the things you are grateful for today!