Career cartoon Christianity

Video: Finding God in the Darkness When I’m Waiting

I was humbled when my pastor asked me to give a testimony about the waiting I have experienced for the last two years. I proposed giving a cartoon testimony. It is a tribute to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, only my version is Diary of a Waiting Guy. 

I recorded myself drawing, then wrote a script for the video. You can see it in the first five minutes of the sermon video.

If you know anything about me, you know faith is a bit part of who I am. It is the reason we left everything we knew in Indiana and moved to Arizona. It is also the reason we moved to the Dayton, Ohio area. It is the reason I hold perseverance as an important value. You cannot start anything new without taking a risk and displaying perseverance.

Pastor Steve Southards did a great job explaining the why’s of a waiting period through the story of Joseph in Genesis. My wife and I are privileged to be serving at Salem Church of God. The last two years have challenged me, but I am glad I made the leap. Taking a risk is much better than doing the same thing and wondering what could have happened if we took a risk.

Business Business Cartoons Interview

I am sure I would fit into your work culture.

Cartoon of a clown and a business man. The clown says,
©2017 Kevin Spear

Last October, the Halloween obsession was people dressing up like clowns and charging people. There were stories about people turning the tables and attacking the clowns. All that month, I kept hearing Send in the Clowns swirl around in my mind. There was a time when clowns were considered fun and humorous. Now, they are seen as a threat and a maligned subgroup.

One thing is for sure, when you go for a job interview, don’t dress as a clown or act like one, unless that is one of the job requirements. Even then, I would leave the clown shoes at home.


40 Reasons Why I Write

I read a Positive Writers blog post on posting 40 reasons why I write. I haven’t written a blog post for a while, so this got me thinking about my motivation. I decided this is a great way to restart my writing.

So here are the first 40 reasons why I write:


Add Mobile Power to Your Search – Career Connectors

I wrote a guest blog post for the Phoenix Arizona Career Connectors. I have found the app to be a handy way to search for jobs and easily apply with your smartphone. A link to the article is in the source.

When you are looking for your next opportunity through LinkedIn, there is a handy tool that can make your search even easier, the LinkedIn Mobile App. It is their Mobile Job Search App.

Source: Add Mobile Power to Your Search – Career Connectors

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Frozen Church Greeter | Cartoon

Cartoon of a man saying to a snowman, "You're doing great, but I don't see you on the greeter volunteer list."

The best volunteers show up in the most unexpected places. I am not saying snowmen make the best greeters. After all, their verbal skills leave a lot to be desired. But they do have two attributes every greeter needs; be present and smile. 

When I came up with this idea, I thought of all the hard working greeters that brave the elements over the winter. They do their best to make a visitor feel welcome. They make us feel warm on the inside even though they are freezing in the doorway. 

Let’s give credit to all the church greeters who brave the winter elements to make everyone feel welcomed.

I drew this cartoon for the “January 2017 Church of God Newsletter.”