
Exercise and the Mind — Quartz

This article caught my eye, partly because I read it just after I exercised. We hear so many articles about the physical benefits of exercise, but this article revealed some different findings.

Neuroscientist says there’s a powerful benefit to exercise that is rarely discussed

children's ministry cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Great Class! You should turn it into a webinar | Kidzmatter Cartoon

Each day, when I go to my inbox, I have one or two offers for an amazing webinar about this marketing technique or that book publishing deal. It appears there is never a lack of any advice on any subject, whether you want it or not! 

When I drew this cartoon, I thought of the many webinars I have been convinced to join. They are a good way to get some information without the travel. A webinar is only as good as the presenter. I thought of the great teachers in my life that could have reached a wider audience if webinars were around thirty years ago.

My hope is that in every Sunday school, across the country, kids think the lesson is so good, that they think a webinar should be made out of it. Admittedly, no student has come up to me and made that suggestion. But when they do, I am ready to make the best use of Facebook Live.

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Do it Today | Sketch Notes

These notes are based on Proverbs 6:4-11. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. It’s so easy to talk about, and so hard to do, isn’t it? The pastor really hit me with the remark, “Inspiration doesn’t change your life if you do nothing with it.” We must be intentional with our time. I have learned this as I have managed my time over the last year. When you are working for yourself, being a self-starter is critical!

These sermon notes are based on Salem Church of God‘s New Years Day 2017 sermon from Nathanael Lyon. Here is the video link.

holiday motivation

Happy New Year, 2017!

Happy 2017! We do not know what the next year will bring. But we do know every era had its challenges as well as opportunities. Many are both. For every challenge brings opportunity.

This year, I resolve to find each opportunity, to continue to learn, innovate and communicate. In short, I will continue to improve. May your new year be your best yet!


5 Tips for Increasing Your Writing Productivity | Evernote Blog

I am taking a Christmas break today. Here is an interesting article on maintaining productive writing habits. It is good advice no matter what kind of writing you do. 

It especially rings true for content writers, copywriters and writers at church.

5 Tips For Increasing Your Writing Productivity