
Who Has Been Here Before?

Marker in Greenville, Ohio for Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa
As I was jogging this morning, I came across this marker. I have driven by it dozens of times before. It’s on the same road my wife’s parents have lived for over twenty years. Yet, this morning was the first time I read the marker. 

church cartoons Leadership

Boards, Committees and Servant Leadership

Cartoon of two men looking at a wad of paper. One says, "We need to form a committee to decide who will pick up this trash."

When it comes to the balance of power, boards and committees can be tricky. Some believe their goal is to tell other people what to do. Others don’t have a clue how to get the ball rolling on tasks as simple as picking up some trash.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sermon notes | Road Trip: Acts 15:1-21

Today’s road trip took is through Acts 15. Too often, we make new people conform to our standards when we didn’t begin at the same advance stage.

This made me think of how hard it is for a highly talented, successful athlete to become a coach. When you have performed at such a high level, it is difficult to relate to athletes that haven’t been there yet. 

Paul was a great teacher. He helped others get to a higher level, but didn’t make them start there. A good teacher and coach knows where his students are, adjusts to that level, then patiently takes them to a higher level of performance. 

children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine worship

When Can I Clap?

Cartoon of an excited, clapping boy. Another boy whispers to hi, "Psst! Tyler! This song isn't clappable!"

Every year, in the spring, I notice it. The kids that used to be so enthusiastic in their singing start to stand or sit in stone silence. Fourth and fifth-grade boys are the hardest. They start to be very aware of others and have no desire to do anything “uncool.”

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Quality Assured Sermons

Cartoon of a pastor saying, "I must remind you my sermons are recorded for quality assurance."

I wonder how differently I’d act if I knew every word I said was recorded? Would the quality of my words be assured? I’d like to think I would be fine with all the words I’ve said. Yet I know if someone recorded all the words I said yesterday, I would not be proud.