cartoon writing

Why I Stopped Posting Cartoons for a While

sketch of a boy before a classroom. He says, "The following is the best paper I've ever copied!"
Copyright © 2014 Kevin Spear

Why I Stopped Posting Cartoons for a While

Every one in a while, something happens that makes you step back, take a look at what you’re doing and analyze your actions. Such an event took place for me a few weeks ago.

For over fifteen years, I have had at least some form of a presence as a web page. When the company I worked for gave me the opportunity to try this new world-wide web, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to post my cartoons to the world. I had some success as a magazine cartoonist.

children's ministry cartoons

How not to use balloons in children’s ministry

While balloons are a valuable part of children’s ministry, they can also be a safety hazard to low-flying aircraft.

Published via Pressgram

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge"

Day 6 of 21 Day Challenge: Cubism

Cubism has never been my thing, so it took some extra motivation to get this drawing going. Maybe it’s Picasso in a Peugeot. I owned a Peugeot once. I’m willing to bet I was the only Hoosier with a 505sti. They never caught on in Indiana.

Published via Pressgram


Day 5 of 21 Day Drawing Challenge

Today’s challenge was to refine the character of our choice. I HAD to choose an evil space alien because that’s the kind of character dear to my heart.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge"

Day 4 of 21 Day Drawing Challenge

Drawing of my hand in four different styles
Today’s challenge was to draw your non dominant hand. Yes, I am left-handed. And yes, I washed my hands before beginning this exercise.
The four different styles are a semi-realistic hand, a cartoon hand, my hand as a robot/skeletal look, and a continuous line drawing.