
Too much information?

cartoon of a woman tossing her smartphone
Copyright Kevin Spear

Cartoon of a frustrated woman tossing her smartphone. She says, “Stop giving me so much information!”

One morning, while I was watching Captain Kangaroo, a television ad came on the old picture tube. This was in the 1970’s, mind you. It said, “More information is being gathered each week than in all the previous years before 1970. It was complaining about how we were drowning in information.

I heard a stat the other day from Matt McKee. He said thanks to social media, more content is being created every hour than in all the content created between the dawn of time and 1950.

That isn’t to say it’s all good content. I have my fill of cute puppy and crazy kitten videos. Maybe it is too much information. I keep wanting to yell, “TMI! TMI!” at my smartphone, don’t you?


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No rim shot, please!

Cartoon of a pastor and a sound technician

Cartoon of a sound technician and a pastor. The pastor says, “When I open the sermon with a joke, please don’t use a rim shot.”

Sound and PowerPoint operators have a lot of power. They can make or break a church service.  Have you ever been in a worship service and the words didn’t match what everyone was singing… including the worship leader? Yes, it can leave the congregation all flustered.

A few weeks ago, I witnessed the power of the tech guy. A guest pastor was saying how much he loved his beloved baseball team. The technician didn’t agree with his choice. So the tech guy proudly displayed HIS favorite baseball team’s logo.

Beware of the tech guys, pastors. They have more power than you realize!

I drew this for the April, 2014 Church of God Ministries e-newsletter.

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Things rarely go according to plan

As I write this, it is late March, 2014. Spring has been with us for five days, but it doesn’t feel anything like spring in Indiana. Yesterday, it snowed. Let me tell you, friends, it’s been quite a winter for Hoosiers. Maybe you balk because you’re from Minnesota or Siberia. But We aren’t use to  extended  single-digit temperatures and relentless snow storms!

These beach figurines have been freezing all w...
These beach figurines have been freezing all winter. They’re ready for the thaw! #winter via speartoons

Things rarely go according to plan. We know what a typical winter is for the area we live in. But how many times do we see an “average winter?” Usually it’s above normal or below normal temperatures. When we have the average winter, we start to wonder if there is something wrong. Could it really be that perfect? Could it really be so average that it’s unusual?

Parenting Cartoons

Cure for the Super Busy Parent

Super hero woman tries to catch her breath as a baby looks on


There are times a flash of a speeding wife has startled me.  There are moments when we have felt like two rocket ships passing in the night. There have been days when we’ve wished we could trade places with the snoring dog. Have you ever had days like these?

When you are a parent, a seemingly quiet day can turn into a frantic speed fest in a flash. Babies need changed, the boss sends a text about a report she needs this afternoon and the older child just announced that breakfast cereal in toaster was a bad idea after all.

The super parent’s life can spin out of control in a flash. How can you maintain perspective and get a grip on reality when you smell burnt flakes and raisins coming from the kitchen?

church cartoons

Impressive Misquote

Cartoon of a guy misquoting from The Bible

Cartoon of two debating men. One says, “Impressive quote. But that isn’t in the Bible. It’s from Benjamin Franklin.”

Why do we like to debate? What is it about a comment here or there that makes me want to get in the last word? Sometimes, when I am making the case about something, I wonder if what I said was really from the source I thought it was. But nobody wants the facts to get in the way of a good argument, do they?

Yesterday, I got into a Twitter argument with a guy pretending to be a nineteenth century preacher. How silly is that?  He’s making accusations as if he is the reincarnation of this evangelist, and I took him seriously. Sometimes my blood boils about the silliest things.

So keep your head out there! Don’t misquote from the Bible and certainly don’t argue with long-dead saints. It’s just not worth it.

I drew this for the March, 2014 Church of God e-newsletter.

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