
Can you really understand the other side?

There are so many opinions out there. One side is determined the other side is crazy or stupid. The other side is convinced anyone who doesn’t think like them is off their rocker. Can one side truly understand the other in the current climate?

When I drew this cartoon, I was the parent of teens and working with kids. I realized kids can be just as puzzled at the way adults act. Parents frequently wonder where their kids are coming from. Guess what? Kids may think the same as well.

We may not have decoder rings to figure out what someone is thinking, but we have some great tools. We can…

  • Listen more than we speak
  • Be humble enough to learn from another
  • Realize there can be some legitimate points on both sides of a disagreement
  • Consider a third option that will satisfy all sides

If you do find a decoder ring, I’m not opposed to that solution either. In fact, I think I’ll have a bowl of cereal and check if there is one at the bottom of the box.

Cartoon of two boys. One has a decoder ring

If you value your life, don’t touch that thermostat!

Cartoon of an angry, old woman and a man. The woman says, “If you value your life, don’t touch that thermostat!”

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How do you keep change relevant?

Cartoon of two men staring a a church steeple with a windmill attached. One says, "It may be more 'green,' but I prefer the older steeple."
Copyright 2017 Kidzmatter Magazine

Often, churches and church people get a reputation for being resistant to change. “Worship Wars” continue as those who love traditional hymns duke it out with lovers of contemporary styles of worship. Changing an old chair in the lobby can be controversial if it was dedicated in memory of a dearly departed saint during the Eisenhower Administration. Adding a little fresh paint and new carpet to a classroom can cause consternation along with a little weeping and gnashing of teeth.

church cartoons

Impressive Misquote

Cartoon of a guy misquoting from The Bible

Cartoon of two debating men. One says, “Impressive quote. But that isn’t in the Bible. It’s from Benjamin Franklin.”

Why do we like to debate? What is it about a comment here or there that makes me want to get in the last word? Sometimes, when I am making the case about something, I wonder if what I said was really from the source I thought it was. But nobody wants the facts to get in the way of a good argument, do they?

Yesterday, I got into a Twitter argument with a guy pretending to be a nineteenth century preacher. How silly is that?  He’s making accusations as if he is the reincarnation of this evangelist, and I took him seriously. Sometimes my blood boils about the silliest things.

So keep your head out there! Don’t misquote from the Bible and certainly don’t argue with long-dead saints. It’s just not worth it.

I drew this for the March, 2014 Church of God e-newsletter.

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relationship cartoons

Cartoon: She Loves Chocolates

Cartoon of someone throwing Valentine chocolates at a man

Cartoon of a man talking to another while a box of Valentine chocolates hurls towards them. The man says, “When she sees my Valentine gift to her, she’ll forget our fight. She can’t resist chocolate!”

I can’t recall this actually happening to me, though I probably deserved it more than once. I am thankful for my valentine of twenty-six years. I promise not to start a fight today, or in the near future… if I can help it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!