
Scaredy Cats

Cartoon of two men talking

Cartoon of two men. One says, “It’s about your Grandmother, Son. She’s afraid your goatee will scare her cats.”


Bird and Cone Head Inked outline

inked in illustration for a bird and cone head at a bus stop 

I’ve decided to pursue this illustration and see where it ends up. The boy looks like he’s lonely in spite of the characters at his bus stop. Maybe if I finish the illustration, he’ll be ready for the school bus.


How to start your commute off wrong

Sketch of a woman threatening to sue all the commuter traffic

Sketch of a driving woman. The caption says, “I’d like to sue the entire city for reckless driving!”

I just have time for a quick sketch today. You know, there’s that commute I need to barge into the middle of!

I was thinking about two of my coworkers who are now telecommuting instead of facing the drive to and from work each day. That lucky guy and gal get to stay in their homes while the rest of us find out how bad the rest of the county drives. I just hope the woman in the sketch isn’t talking about me as well!

cartoon children cartoons

Prayer Requests

Here’s a post I made in 2006.

“Remember me in your prayers. When my dad finds out I stratched the car with my bike, I’ll need all the prayers I can get!”

You get all kinds of interesting prayer requests in a Sunday school class. I have a feeling I uttered a similar requests once. Though I don’t remember scratching Dad’s car, I did plenty of other things. I’m thankful Dad was gracious when I messed up. By the way, Happy birthday, Dad!


Beware of the Shedder

Cartoon of a dog moping in its doghouse. a sign says, "Beware of shedding dog."

Cartoon of a dog moping in its doghouse. a sign says, “Beware of shedding dog.”