
Find Your Purpose

Cartoon of a girl and an arrow
©2013 Speartoons, Inc

Cartoon of an anthropomorphized arrow. It says, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel so pointless.”

We all want a point. We all want to do something meaningful. How do you do that when you have a feeling that tells you, “What’s the point?”

We all have a point. But we won’t find it by looking to please ourselves. There are over seven billion people on this planet with needs. And it can get overwhelming thinking about that mass of humanity with needs just like you.

But I found when I reach out to just one of those seven billion and lend a kind word or deed, I discover a purpose far greater than ourselves. We weren’t born to aimlessly take care of our own needs. We were made to learn how to serve the needs of each other.


Develop your eccentricities early

“Develop your eccentricities early, and no one will think you’re going senile later in life.” David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man


Talk or Text?

©2013 Speartoons, Inc

Cartoon of a couple on smart phones. The guy says, “What am I supposed to do with your text that says, ‘We don’t talk anymore?'”

I’m not a guy that is against smart phones and texting. I love both and use them daily. However, I realize it just isn’t the same as face to face conversation. There are some conversations that simply shouldn’t be carried out with a text. For instance, you shouldn’t break up with someone over a text. Marriage proposals are equally inappropriate. And if you need to fire an employee, I’m guessing a text isn’t the way to go.

Before you send out a text, consider if this is the appropriate way to communicate your message. We have so many options today, thanks to technology. No one method fits every need. Use discernment when considering how to communicate something

Coloring Page

Ahoy! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Two pirates celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day
© Speartoons/Kevin Spear

Ahoy, Matey! Happy International Talk Like a Pirate day! Here’s ye coloring page for yer lil’ buccaneer.

Warner Press

Exporting from Anderson, Indiana | Warner Press

Series of books Warner Press exports
© Anderson Herald-Bulletin & Warner Press

My local newspaper published an article on my employer, Warner Press.

Exporting from Anderson (Indiana)

I’ve seen the statistics for some time, but it still amazes me our Egermeier’s Bible Storybook has sold over six-million copies and have gone all over the world.

Globalization is everywhere, even at small, non-profit publishers!