
How to gross out the girls

Cartoon of two girls staring at a muddy boy

Cartoon of two girls staring at a muddy boy. One girl says, “If clothes make the man, then gross must make the boy!”

There is a mudathalon going on not too far from me. It would be a boy’s dream to compete in that. It makes me want to head out to a pig sty right now!


Trouble on the Ceiling

Cartoon of a boy on a ceiling

Cartoon of one boy staring at another boy who is upside down. The boy on the ceiling says, “Today in class, I got in trouble for doing this.”

Kids can get in trouble for the most interesting things. There have been times when outwardly I’ve said, “Stop that!” but inwardly, I was thinking, “That’s amazing! I would’ve never thought of that!” Kudos to kids and their creativity!


When a sign is too obvious

cartoon of a guy holding a stop sign

Cartoon of a guy holding a stop sign. the caption says, While it was true Tom prayed for a sign from God, this wasn’t what he had hoped for.

Many times, when I’ve received a sign, it wasn’t the one I hoped for either. I don’t like it when I had a set of plans that doesn’t jive with the natural order of things. Sometimes, God has to hit me over the head with a stop sign to get my attention. When I finally do listen, I realized I could’ve saved myself a lot of frustration by just heeding the signs.

children's ministry cartoons

How to keep up with the trends cartoon

cartoon of two people watching an older man speed by on a skateboard

Copyright ©Kevin Spear and K! Magazine


Cartoon of two people see a man speed by on a skateboard. One says, “Well, that’s one way to keep pace with trends!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children cartoons Parenting Cartoons webcomic

How to tell if your child is a potential author

Cartoon of a dad reading a bedtime story to a son

Cartoon of a dad reading a bedtime story to his son. The son says, “You can stop reading now. This story lacks depth.”