Adobe Illustrator tutorials

Warping objects in Illustrator

Layers Magazine’s web site has a great tutorial by Bert Monroy. He shows how you can use the warp tool in Adobe Illustrator to get realistic effects such as the wire mesh in this trash can illustration.

The nice thing about using the tool in Illustrator is you have greater control in the mesh grid and you can make the mesh looked banged up. I’m try this one out.

Adobe Illustrator Illustrators tutorials

Beginner tutorials for Adobe Illustrator

Tony Soh at the blog has been doing some tutorials for the beginning Adobe Illustrator user.

My drawing software of choice has been Adobe Illustrator for several years. I like the fact artwork is scalable. You don’t have to worry about enlarging your artwork only to see everything pixelated. Yuck!

It works well with my cartoony style. Even if I am doing something realistic, I usually do the base artwork in Illustrator and export my work to Adobe Photoshop.

If you are an illustrator, I highly recommend Adobe Illustrator.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons

Drawing a Day 006

Drawing a Day 006, originally uploaded by speartoons.

It’s those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer. This would be a good day to examine some ants and consider their ways.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons

Drawing a Day 005

Drawing a Day 005, originally uploaded by speartoons.

A duck scolds a boy. I’ve been amused when I’ve witnessed the littlest creatures have the biggest attitudes. A little critter can be the ruler of the roost.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons

Drawing a day 4- Lifting the shark

Drawing a day 4- Lifting the shark, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Let’s hear it for this boy. He conquered his fears. It’s amazing what one can do when one doesn’t have a clue how dangerous something is.