children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Twist

When I heard of this week’s theme, I thought of a twisty ice cream cone. The next thing I knew, I saw the torch of Lady Liberty. Quite fitting for Independence Day.

It may be a heavily American theme, but that’s what’s on my mind this week. Happy July 4th!

Illustration Friday Warner Press

Retirement Card Final

This is how the illustration looked after I exported it from Adobe Illustrator to PhotoShop.

I was able to add the shadow and highlight details in there. In addition, I was able to add some stars and add some bush and grass details.

A few months ago, I did all my art in Illustrator. But now I’m finding Illustrator and PhotoShop work together and give me a richer illustration.

I printed the finished file at 14″ x 22″. I used an 18″ x 22″ poster board and folded it like a greeting card. Everyone at work will sign the inside of the card.

illustration Warner Press

Retirement Card Color

This is how the illustration looks today. I am applying the color in Adobe Illustrator.

The pencil rough is still on top of the finished file. I make the pencil rough transparent and trace my work like I am drawing on a light table.

I eliminated outlines in the background. Tomorrow, I’ll work on the face details and possibly export it to PhotoShop for the details.

illustration sketch diary Warner Press

Retirement Card

A beloved lady at work is retiring next month. I’ve been asked to make an oversize retirement card.
Here is my pencil rough. I plan to block out the color in Adobe Illustrator.

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Camoulflage

When people move into a critter’s environment, some of them learn to adjust. This moth has done it nicely.