1 Corinthians Bible

Another Friend Passes

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

1 Corinthians 15:55 (KJV)

This morning, I received the news another friend has passed away from COVID complications. Two years after we found out about this virus, it is still doing its dirty work.

It’s the second friend this year I know that has passed away from this scourge. Last year, my wife’s aunt passed away from this virus. But there are others who have suffered greater losses. It’s been a tough couple of years for nearly everyone.

I have comfort in knowing all three were people of faith. This passage in 1 Corinthians 15 gives me some solace that both dear souls are in a better place. It is those of us who are left behind that mourn and suffer.

Faith informs me this is not the end. One day, death will be swallowed up in victory. It gives us hope. Until then, let’s be steadfast and unmovable. To those with faith, we have a reason to press on.

Bible Psalm

A Future For Peacemakers

We hear and read news about the threat of wars and verbal barbs about someone who did this and said that. It captures our attention and makes us wonder what the future is. So it is good to remind us there is a future for peacemakers.

Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace.

Psalm 37:37 NLT

Sadly, those who work for peace don’t grab the headlines as much as those who embrace conflict. We don’t tend to qualify what a person is saying or doing by whether it is honest or good. We like a good fight and we especially like the person who shares our views to put the other side in their place.

But what if the future belongs to those who promote peace? Indeed, there are only two choices in this world; those who work towards war and those who work towards peace.

We look forward to peace though it is in short supply. Remember a few months ago when we spoke about peace on earth?

Are All Conflicts Necessary?

We have values that we are willing to fight for, and we should. But what about those that don’t really matter? If we paused to think about why we may feel angry and ready to fight, is that skirmish with our neighbor really worth fighting for?

Are there some battles that are only jeopardizing our future? Most of us have memories of being angry at someone, but we can’t remember why. The emotion lasts longer than the actual offense.

If we are honest with others and show good to others, perhaps that will go much further than our animosity towards others. Occasionally, it may even make the news for a good, worthy reason.

Consider if that conflict is necessary today. Pause to consider if we are less angry at that person in front of us and angrier at a similar person that did us wrong years ago. Be honest. Be good and remember there is a future for those who love peace.


Everything is in Flux

The world is constantly moving. Even the rocks and mountains ebb and flow. Over time, nothing stays the same. This quote from Heraclitus reminds me everything is in a state of flux.

All is flux, nothing stays still.

Heraclitusfrom Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers

So why do we want things the way they used to be? Is that even possible? Even our memories are in changing. Just ask a friend that was at that same event. Rarely do we all get the story straight. We notice something different a friend doesn’t and vice versa.

What we thought was perfect at one time may not have been perfect for someone else. And what is occurring today is going to be someone’s cherished memories. Yes, even in a pandemic, there are those who will have good memories of it in a few years. Does that mean we want to stay there?

Our task is not to find a moment in time we love and freeze it. Today, our task is to embrace this moment, knowing it will change and soon be a memory.

When things change, find a new melody. We can get creative and find a solution. When we do, it may work for today. But tomorrow, the melody may change. And that’s okay! We can sing a new tune tomorrow.

There was some good in the past. Today has some good in it. And my faith convinces me if tomorrow comes, there will be some good there as well. Let’s enjoy the ride for today.


The Benefit of Problems

Happy Monday! Are you dreading it? Do you have a feeling there will be problems today? On one hand, I hope this day will go well for you. But on the other hand, I encourage you to embrace the benefit of problems, for there are a few.

Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.

Alfred A. Montapert

That quote may not sound optimistic. You may be asking, “Why should I expect problems? Aren’t they the reason I’ll have a bad day?”

My answer is that we need problems to grow. Every problem is a challenge and every challenge is a learning experience.

strict female teacher with book pointing at scribbled blackboard
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

We have this mistaken notion that when we are in school, our goal is to answer enough of the questions on a test so that we never have to solve another one. Where did that come from? When school is done well, it prepares us to answer problems. A test in the classroom can prepare us for tests out in the real world.

Problems Exist

Problems exist, and that is good! Every opportunity came from a predicament that needed to be solved.

  • Thomas Edison had no need to invent the light bulb if gas lights were safe and efficient.
  • If a horse and buggy was fast and cheap enough, there would be no need for automobiles.
  • If humans had brains as fast as computers and we could handle all the data ever created, there would be no need for the electronic kind

That doesn’t mean all trouble is good or that it will make us feel great. There are some headaches that are out of our control. But there are others that have an answer within reach if we remain determined to stick it out and address the issue.

When trials come, consider if this is an opportunity. Is it something that requires a short-term or long-term solution? Instead of dreading them, let’s embrace the benefit of problems and eat them for breakfast!

children's ministry Christianity love

Loving Your Neighbor

This morning, I am going to be teaching kids what it means to love your neighbor. As I’m thinking about this, I naturally tend to think about Mr. Rogers. He had a nice way of making difficult concepts simple. Here is one of his quotes.

When we look for what’s best in the person we happen to be with at the moment, we’re doing what God does, so in appreciating our neighbor, we’re participating in something truly sacred.”

Fred Rogers

We teach our kids to immediately be suspicious of others. We tell our kids to be aware of “stranger danger.” And it is good to help our kids have awareness of potential hazards. Unfortunately, there are evil people out there.

But there are also good people out there. There are ways to nurture giving in our children. And really, loving our neighbor is all about being generous. We can love because we are thankful for what we have and can give to those around us who are in need.

But what if our neighbors have no material needs? We all need to be recognized and affirmed. It may look different for each person. Some may want to be left alone. If so, what are ways we can show love by being considerate and generous?

In a world that teaches us to be scared of our neighbors, I am thinking today about how to treat my neighbor like I would want to be treated. How do we become good neighbors?