Exercise motivation productivity

Exercise is the key to a Productive Day

Richard Branson is known for his unconventional leadership. An article by Jeff Steen reveals his connection between exercise and productivity.


“The only reason I’m able to do all the things I do and to keep on top of a busy schedule without getting too stressed is because I stay fit.”

Richard Branson through a CNBC interview

It goes on to say that while exercise has many benefits, it also relieves stress and depression. I have to agree with the article. Exercise has been a part of my routine for twenty years. Between that and my spiritual practices, it has helped me stay active and productive through the good and challenging times. It has also helped me whenever I needed to get the creative juices going!

Our bodies were made to move. We don’t have to do marathons or Iron Man Competitions. You can start where you are. If you haven’t exercised for some time, a walk around the block is a good start.

Wherever you are, make exercise part of your daily routine. It has been a great benefit for me. And it can be for you as well.


This is all Temporary

The other day, I read an article entitled, 3 Phrases That Stop Anxious Thoughts. Let’s face it. If you keep up with the news at all, you’ll have some anxious thoughts! The first phrase stood out to me.

“This is temporary: This doesn’t just apply to the current pandemic and resulting economic turmoil — it’s true in nearly every anxiety-provoking situation.”

— Hilary Jacobs Hendel

We tend to forget this because the present dominates our thoughts and actions. But the longer we live, the more we realize how true this is.

Seven-Year-old Philosopher

I remember a school bus trip I had when I was seven-years-old. It was a dreary winter morning in Indiana. In January, it feels like clouds will never go away. I remember thinking, “Will I ever get out of second grade? Will I ever go anywhere outside my hometown?”

I smile when I think of that little second grader. The thought of growing up, going to college, meeting a lovely Ohio lady, marrying her, and having two great kids seemed impossible to him. It was just as likely to him that he would grow wings and fly. Homework was my biggest problem.

Yet to that little boy, his present reality seemed so overwhelming. He couldn’t see beyond his present situation. He had no concept that all of what he was experiencing was temporary.

Today is Temporary

There are plenty of reasons to have anxiety today. There is the COVID-19 pandemic, racial tensions, and political polarization. Ironically, you may be reading this in the future and those issues aren’t at the forefront of the news cycle. Who knows what we’ll be discussing in the future! But whatever it is, whatever personal situation you are facing, it’s only temporary.

  • None of us can predict the future
  • What’s important today may be old news tomorrow
  • It’s just as likely things will be better for you tomorrow instead of the same or worse

There will always be a part of us that longs for the good old days of the past. For someone, today will be the good old days in twenty years. So if you are struggling today. Hold on and be patient. This is all temporary!

Encouragement Religion Cartoons

Banishing the Boogeyman

The last month has been one rife with fear and dreaded predictions. We don’t really know what the coming weeks will bring, but we do know that unprecedented measures have been taken, and will need to be taken to get this COVID-19 pandemic under control.

While I take this crisis we are in seriously, I also know that fear can make us do irrational things. We can make a problem worse by worrying about it and beginning to hoard things because we don’t trust those around us. We may be tempted to do things that would have shamed us in normal circumstances.

Since I am a person of faith, I choose to give my anxieties to someone who is much bigger than governments and much more powerful than a spiky-looking, viral boogeyman.

I urge you to limit your daily dose of bad news, banish the boogeyman and find some ways to be an encouragement and help to others. We can still do this while practicing social distancing. In the meantime, forget about the armless, two-fanged purple people eater. His bark is worse than his bite.

Cartoon of a sleeping guy next to a monster. The guy says to the monster, "Sorry! Ever since I gave my anxieties to God, you just don't bother me anymore."

One of the Cures for Anxiety

Anxiety has become endemic in our society. We fear the present, future and the guy in the next car. The news terrifies us, marketing feeds on our insecurities and the workplace can be a challenging mix of deadlines, earning reports and lofty goals. Yes, it can weigh a person down.

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Proverbs 12:25 NLT

One cure for the common case of anxiety is an encouraging word. If you’re not getting much of it, start to become an encourager. A simple thank you does wonders. Make a point to see positives in every situation and call them out.

It’s too easy to worry. Let’s start to bring encouragement back to those around us. That said, I’d still be suspicious of courteous sharks!

Attitude writing

Just Start, For Crying Out Loud!

We’re all scared to do something. The fear of starting is often more terrifying than the action we dread. We spend too much time fretting whether we can do it right than actually doing the work.