Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons cliche gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Sleeping Dogs

Cartoon of boy and annoyed dog

Cartoon of  boy and annoyed dog. The dog says, “Why can’t people just let sleeping dogs lie?”

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Vacation with Job

Cartoon about two teen girls and vacationCartoon of two teen girls. One says, “My family took me on vacation. It reminded me of the book of Job.”

animal cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Tweet So Neat

Cartoon of two boys and tweeting birdCartoon of two boys and tweeting bird. One boy says, “Hey! can I follow you?”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Let Your Fingers Do the Painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting. The boy with the phone says, “That’s a great finger painting. I’m uploading it to Twitter!”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon church cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic worship

Worship Face

Cartoon of two teens at church

Cartoon of  a teen girl and sour-looking boy. The girl says, “Well look at Mr. Grumpy Pants! Somebody doesn’t have their worship face on today!”