Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon government single panel cartoon webcomic

Taxes and World Domination

Cartoon of mad scientist and accountant

Cartoon of mad scientist and accountant. The mad scientist says, “My evil plot to rule the world is simpler than my tax form.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Computing in the clouds

Cartoon of two angels with computers

Cartoon of two angels in clouds. One angel says, “I’m glad they introduced cloud computing up here.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Going Viral

Cartoon of a doctor and patient with video window

Cartoon of a doctor and patient. The doctor says, “You’ve come down with a viral video.”

Adobe Illustrator adventure cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon vacation webcomic

Boring Vacation

Cartoon of two kids on a beach

Cartoon of two kids on a beach. A boy says to a girl, “What a boring vacation! We haven’t even had one trip to the emergency room.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon relationship cartoons webcomic

Shy Date

Cartoon of a woman and guy with a turtle shell in a restaurant

Cartoon of a couple in a restaurant. The guy has a turtle shell. The woman says, “If this date is going anywhere, you’ll have to come out of your shell.”