
Enthusiastic About Change

Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress! With it, there is accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis.

Henry Ford

Change only comes when someone or a group is excited enough to make things happen. It gives people motivation to move forward. It allows people to see a vision that a better outcome is possible. 

An enthusiastic person can annoy others because they can’t see that things can be any different. Others may even do what they can to bring the other person down to their level.

Don’t be that person. Be enthusiastic. There is always a better way. There is always a possibilty to make things better. Start feeling it and begin to see what is possible!


A Time to be Still and a Time to Take Action

One warm autumn day, I was enjoying my lunch on a park bench when I noticed projectiles dropping around me. I looked up to see a squirrel gnawing on a nut. He wasn’t the least bit happy I was under his tree. Didn’t I know he had to prepare for winter?

It wasn’t long before I realized I better move and find another place. I could have been stubborn and kept eating there. But I wasn’t enjoying the bits of acorns that were pelting my head.

Cartoon of two children running. Someone is throwing acorns at them. One says, "You shouldn't insult squirrels when they're in trees and have ammo."

I’ve seen some people who haven’t enjoyed their situation. They may not be satisfied with their job or a relationship. They just may be frustrated that things haven’t changed much in years. But instead of taking action, they like to complain about it and just stay there. If you’re tired of the situation you are in, there are actions you can take today to get moving.

  • Learn a new skill
  • Seek with anticipation for new opportunities
  • Change your routine
  • Ask yourself, “What would it take to improve this situation?”
  • Journal about your observations

There is a time to be still and a time to take action. Don’t let that annoying squirrel keep pelting you with acorns!


Dignity is overrated

When we are young, we don’t care what people think of us. We are willing to try new things because we are learning so much about the world.

Somewhere between fourth and fifth grade, our dignity gene kicks in. We start worrying what others think of us. We look over our shoulder and assess whether the next activity is cool or if it will make us look like fools.

The problem with this is that we have to be willing to feel foolish to try new things. Dignity is overrated if it causes you to do the same old thing. It is better to try, fail, learn and try again than to stay in the same old rut doing the same old things.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Hold the hummus, please!

Cartoon of a pastor saying to a man, "If you think it needs, hummus, you're missing the point of communion."

There are some traditions that shouldn’t be messed with. In a church, it’s probably okay to allow coffee in a sanctuary. (I know I’m biased on this one). If you are in the middle of the deep southern United States, and the church can afford air conditioning, it’s probably a good idea to allow that change to happen. But one needs to be prudent when making changes. 

K! Magazine Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine Marketing

How do you keep change relevant?

Cartoon of two men staring a a church steeple with a windmill attached. One says, "It may be more 'green,' but I prefer the older steeple."
Copyright 2017 Kidzmatter Magazine

Often, churches and church people get a reputation for being resistant to change. “Worship Wars” continue as those who love traditional hymns duke it out with lovers of contemporary styles of worship. Changing an old chair in the lobby can be controversial if it was dedicated in memory of a dearly departed saint during the Eisenhower Administration. Adding a little fresh paint and new carpet to a classroom can cause consternation along with a little weeping and gnashing of teeth.