Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Talking About Pride Cartoon

We all have it. From time to time, it comes out in ugly ways. And as parents, we see it in our kids. But if we’re honest, we know they probably learned it from us. That’s where the idea for this talking about pride cartoon came from.

Talking abut pride cartoon: A dad says, “Looks like we need to talk about pride.”

One moment, we’re doing pretty good with handling pride. The next moment, we believe we are royalty and deserve the red carpet treatment. That’s just human nature, isn’t it? We all believe we deserve to be king or queen.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Sermons in 3D Cartoon

Some churches are always searching for the latest technology to enhance a worship service. So one day, I thought of this “Sermons in 3D Cartoon.”

Sermons in 3D cartoon. A mom says to a pastor, “He’s listened to all of your sermons since I told him you presented them in 3D.”

Isn’t it amazing what a little creativity and technology can add to a sermon or presentation? Still, I think 3D technology would be a bit distracting. However, it could be effective, and a little convicting when a pastor would reach right out to you.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Feeling Animated Cartoon

When it comes to expressing our emotions, some of us are reserved while others go out of their way to ensure everyone knows how their feeling. I am in the subdued camp. But I enjoy observing a very expressive person. This led to my feeling animated cartoon.

Feeling animated Cartoon. A girl says, "I am not upset. I'm just more animated than usual."

If I had the time and animation skills, I could see this cartoon as an animated GIF. Maybe the girl’s arm would sway back and forth. Or she would lean into her nemesis. Alas, that is not in my wheelhouse today.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Dignified Birthday Cartoon

Birthdays can bring out the party animal in adults and kids. A particularly exciting celebration in the past inspired this dignified birthday cartoon.

Dignified birthday cartoon. A boy says, He says to a girl, "Every year, I try to live a dignified birthday. But then the cake comes out..."

When a birthday comes, we try to find new and unique ways to express our good wishes. Here are a few, dignified examples if you came here, searching for the right words for a birthday card. After all, birthdays are great ways to put someone in the spotlight who rarely gets recognition.

Adobe Illustrator children cartoons holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Palm Sunday Cartoon

Happy Palm Sunday! It will be an exciting time in many churches and children’s ministries today. The palm branches will be flying in many church services. It can be a confusing time for the kids and since the event happens so close to spring break, I had to draw this Palm Sunday cartoon!

Palm Sunday Spring Break cartoon. A boy says, "I thought Palm Sunday was when everyone went to Florida for spring break."

For those who don’t know what Palm Sunday is, here’s an explanation. The story is found in all four of the Gospels.