Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon holiday seasons single panel cartoon

Nature’s April Fool

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are. But in Indiana and Ohio, we’ve had a few times when the weather on April fools day has been quite the joke!

Cartoon of boy and girl with snowman. She says, "I can't stand it when nature throws us an April fools joke." April fools day

Two days ago, the temperature was in the seventies. But today, we’ll be lucky to see the forties in Ohio. Parts of the state may even have snow. Happy April fools day!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Bad, Bad Hair

Some people have bad hair days. Others take it to an extreme sport. Whenever I read a Doctor Seuss book, I think of the poor people who have manes that go beyond manageable. Are there any stylists in Whoville?

Cartoon of a girl with out of control hair

Whenever I think of this term, I also think of two projects. First, there is Weird Al Yankovic’s 1996 album. Since I drew this cartoon, The Disney Channel also produced a film by that name.

As a guy, the older I get, the more thankful I am to have any of the stuff on top. To me, the only bad hair day is one with no locks.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Too Young, Too Old

I remember when it was the generation or two before me that said, “Just wait until you’re my age!” Now that I am that age, I still wonder what they were talking about.

Cartoon of older man and boy. The man says, "Just wait until you're my age and you forget what it's like to be your age!"
Adobe Illustrator Business cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

An Open Door Policy

What does an open-door policy do, exactly? I do have one at my work. There are times when I need to close the door for a meeting or to avoid interruptions. And I would say, for the most part, it has been good. But is it always the best policy?

An open-door policy doesn’t do much for a closed mind.

Bob Nelson
Cartoon of two boys at a front door

When I drew this cartoon, My office was a cubicle. Every cubicle worker knows the door is always open when there is no door. Interruptions are the norm. And it has changed the workplace dramatically. If a manager keeps the door closed, they are seen as aloof and unapproachable.

creativity motivation

Creativity Takes Courage

It might not work. Some will like your style while others don’t. There are those who will get what you are conveying while others have no clue. Let’s face it. Matisse knew what he was talking about!

Creativity takes courage.”

Henri Matisse

Whenever we do something new, we are going to welcome critics. Let’s face it, we don’t get what others are creatively doing either. We have our tastes and preferences. An artist could spend years working on a technique that appears effortless. And that appearance of effortlessness will make others dislike it.

Creativity is messy. It is also noisy. After all, one person’s musical symphony is another person’s rude noises!

Cartoon of two girls and two boys
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter Magazine

Perfection and Creativity

Not every creative endeavor is meant to make money or be popular. Who can really predict what is popular next week anyway? If we make those our goals, we may be in for a disappointment.

The pursuit of perfection can kill creativity. If we are searching for the perfect pitch, technique, or approach that will knock everyone’s socks off, good luck! That pressure will squelch creativity.

Besides, my view of what is perfect can be very different from yours. How can perfection be defined in artistic endeavors? Is it the reaction of the public? Or the guarantee of an award-winning project? Perhaps it’s the approval of a client. What if they had a bad day and you didn’t know they hate that shade of purple?

Business and Creativity

If we are working with businesses, creativity takes courage. Very few business leaders have that chutzpah. Editors will turn down books that become bestsellers. Movie producers will reject movie concepts until they become popular and demands sequels. That song that a producer was convinced was a flop is suddenly his favorite when it becomes viral on TikTok.

Creativity takes courage. It isn’t easy to put our ideas out there. But it is worth it. It is far better to try something and see whether it works than to stay safe and churn out the same old concept.