
Cartoon: Beverage for Santa

cartoon of a boy meeting Santa Claus at his house

Cartoon of a boy meeting Santa on Christmas Eve. The boy says, “Merry Christmas Santa. Would you like a refreshing beverage?”

This little guy looks like he is ready to be a customer service representative some day. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and happy new year!


Cartoon: Christmas Stress

Cartoon of a boy with a wreath on his head


It’s that time of year where the stress level goes through the roof. I wonder if the mom in this cartoon placed the wreath on the boy’s head in an absent-minded frenzy or in frustration. Either way, it’s going to be extra hard for this boy to be good until Christmas!

Coloring Page

Coloring Page: Candy Cane Boy

Image of boy and candy cane coloring page

Here is a coloring page just in time for Christmas. The boy is proudly showing his candy cane. He’s ready to celebrate the holiday season.

You are free to use this coloring page for personal and classroom use. Merry Christmas!

church cartoons

Cartoon: New Here Santa?

Cartoon of woman talking to Santa Claus. She says, "You're new at our church, aren't you?"

Cartoon of a woman and Santa Claus in a church pew. Woman says, “You’re new at our church, aren’t you?”

It’s December, and you never know where Santa Claus will show up, do you? There is no mistaking his red suit and stocking cap. Let’s face it! Even in December, he has a hard time blending in.

I drew this for the December, 2012 issue of the CHOGnews newsletter.

Coloring Page

Christmas Nativity Coloring Page

Thumbnail of Christmas nativity coloring page

Merry Christmas! I just love this time of year. The sounds, smells and sights of Christmas bring back memories of Christmases long, long ago. (Hmm. sounds like a Christmas tune.)

I’ve done another nativity scene in a different style. You can find it here.

Here is a Christmas nativity coloring page for you. It is free for personal and classroom use.