You may disagree with me. In fact, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since I probably haven’t met your father. However, I have my reasons why my dad is the best dad. And here they are.

Yes, I’ve been on a hoverboard before. But for some reason, I escaped unscathed. Still, it was enough of a harrowing experience to create a cartoon about it.
Parents and teachers do a lot of things to relate to kids. The other day, my sister sent a video of her dancing with her daughter. She was doing what she needed to do to keep her kindergartner entertained. There has been a lot of that activity going on while we have been cooped up in our houses and apartments for the last two weeks with a COVID-19 quarantine.
I’m willing to bet it will be worth it when you share the memories in a few years. It may seem things are dire at the moment, but kids will probably remember this time as a fun break that allowed them to connect with their parents in a way they never would have been able to do otherwise.
So embrace today and find another new way to connect with your son or daughter. Just be careful of those hoverboards. You don’t need a broken ulna right now!
My kids probably thought I was a clown at times. I’ve spent the better part of thirty years coming up with cartoon gags, being silly in front of a large group of elementary kids and firing off one-liners at occasionally inappropriate times.
I have taken pride in getting someone to laugh, especially when they were feeling down. I take less pride in the times I was more immature than funny. It has happened much more than I would like to admit.
I have learned over the years that attacking immaturity with an immature attitude never works. If a child has an anger issue, striking back with an angrier, overpowering tone may appear to work. But in the long term, it only makes parents and children angrier.
Do as I say, not as I do may sound catchy, but we all know the hypocrisy of such a saying. I have been there, parents. When your kids are acting up, keep your cool. Stay mature and save the clowning for intentionally fun times. You can do it! I tip my polka dot hat with the squirting daisy to you!
We make all sorts of decisions each day. Throughout the day, I’m tempted to spend my time in front of a screen. Whether it’s a television, computer screen or a mobile phone, it can get so easy to get lost in a glowing rectangle.
Sometimes, I can justify it because I am working. Other times, Â I wonder where the time went. That glowing rectangle can sure hypnotize me!
Then I remember my time is so limited on this planet. My kids have grown. Did I spend too much time in front of a screen when I should have been in front of them?
Time is short. Teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Â Our time is short. Make sure most of it isn’t in front of a glowing rectangle!