church cartoons webcomic

The great church seating controversy

cartoon of a big man talking to an intimidated, seated man. He says, "Welcome to First Church. Now get out of my seat!"

It has always fascinated me how good people can get caught up in petty things like saving their seat at church. In extreme cases, it can even lead to violence like this example.

At one of the churches I attended, there was a legend about an elderly lady that would hiss at people if they were in her seat. One Sunday, a friend’s family was about to sit nearby. The dear old sister looked up, then commented, “It’s okay if you sit there. It’s Brother So and So’s seat, but he passed away this week.”

It runs contradictory to what Jesus himself taught:

“But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests.” Luke 14:10 NIV

So you can have my seat. But I can’t guarantee a dear old sister won’t hiss at you.

I created this cartoon for the September 2016 CHOGNews.

children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine

Daredevils and Backsliders on the Playground

Teacher to student: "Curtis! What are you doing backsliding like that?"
Copyright ©2014 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter

No matter where you are, there is always a kid on the playground that will test the boundaries of the rules. Some will be blatant about it. Some will subtly test the boundaries until someone notices.

The same kids grow up to test boundaries. You see every day on the highways. Speed limits are conquered, red lights are beaten and accidents happen.


No rim shot, please!

Cartoon of a pastor and a sound technician

Cartoon of a sound technician and a pastor. The pastor says, “When I open the sermon with a joke, please don’t use a rim shot.”

Sound and PowerPoint operators have a lot of power. They can make or break a church service.  Have you ever been in a worship service and the words didn’t match what everyone was singing… including the worship leader? Yes, it can leave the congregation all flustered.

A few weeks ago, I witnessed the power of the tech guy. A guest pastor was saying how much he loved his beloved baseball team. The technician didn’t agree with his choice. So the tech guy proudly displayed HIS favorite baseball team’s logo.

Beware of the tech guys, pastors. They have more power than you realize!

I drew this for the April, 2014 Church of God Ministries e-newsletter.

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church cartoons webcomic

Why the little things get us riled up

Cartoon of a guy eating a sub sandwich at church

Cartoon of a guy eating a sub sandwich in a church pew while a disapproving elderly woman looks on. the caption reads, “It all began when they allowed coffee in the sanctuary…”

I thought of this idea when I saw a lively forum discussion about allowing or refusing coffee in a church’s sanctuary.  Some were vehemently opposed to such nonsense. Others were insistent that all parts of the church should be welcoming and as long as it wasn’t a distraction, why not?

Personally,  I bring my coffee with me into the sanctuary. There was a time this was a no-no in our church. But we let go of that controversy years ago. I haven’t seen anybody bring a full meal into the sanctuary.

When I was younger, I thought of having a pizza delivered into the sanctuary (That would have been a major faux pas then). Hey! if it’s good for the youth group, it would be good for the rest of the church, right? Fortunately, young love and marriage kept me from such foolishness before I had the money to try such a stunt.

It does amaze me how little things like this can get people worked up. We focus on these little irritations because it is so much more difficult to focus on the difficult issues. It’s much more difficult to love your neighbor than to have an opinion on coffee/church etiquette.

I drew this for the February, 2014, Church of God E-newsletter.

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church cartoons

How to Show Appreciation to Your Pastor

Cartoon of a boy wanting show appreciation to his pastor


Cartoon of a boy speaking to his pastor. He says, “I want to show I appreciate you, Pastor. How about I give you a ride on my scooter?”

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. When I thought of this cartoon, I thought of the various ways people may try to show appreciation that is a little self-focused. Then again, maybe the pastor needs a scooter ride!

I drew this cartoon for the CHOGnews – October, 2013 newsletter.