holiday motivation

Fear and Pumpkin Spice

The goblins will be out in a few weeks. They will scurry down well-lit streets for their treats. Adults who don’t want to shell out their life savings for treats will hunker down in coffee shops for some pumpkin spice concoctions. the irony is that those hand-crafted drinks may cost as much as a couple of bags of “fun-sized” treats.

Halloween will be one of those few times people will meet their neighbors. Another irony is that most of those neighbors will wear masks and costumes. Perhaps that is why some may be inclined to vacate their premises and go elsewhere while the little ghosts, goblins and super heroes roam the neighborhoods. It’s an ironic time of year!

We fear what we don’t know. Some of us will respond by stocking their cupboard with treats in order to minimize the tricks. Others will simply abandon their abode for one night. Is one better than the other? I can’t answer that. Personally, I’d prefer to give out the pumpkin-spice lattés. But I’m guessing they would lead to more tricks than treats.

In any case, face your fears and make sure your little goblins will be safe.

Business Cartoons

Happy National Coffee Day 2019!

O coffee, coffee, how sweet the brew!
Caffeine to me, oh thus you imbue.
It brightens me on the way to church,
Your sweet bitters, I do always search.

Happy National Coffee Day! I plan to celebrate with friends in children’s ministry and the lobby this morning. As my cartoon demonstrates, it is better to share it with friends and coworkers than all by your self.

children's ministry children's ministry cartoons

A Clean, Janitor-Free Dream

Cartoon of two women having coffee. One says, "I have a dream. One day, our children's ministry will skip a whole day without calling for janitor backup."
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter Magazine

True story: I was a church janitor once. Actually, I was a teen church janitor for over two years. When your grandfather is the pastor and your father is the Maintenance Supervisor you get those kinds of perks. I have maintenance supervisor in italics because it was a small church, Dad was a volunteer and he had the job because no one else was available on a Saturday morning and Grandpa trusted him with the keys. (My brother and I must be the only church janitors in modern history that never had an impressive set of keys.)

Just fun

Happy National Coffee Day! 

  Coffee has been a creative juice for me since college. In honor of this day, I put the coffee gauge all the way to empty. It was an honor to do so. Enjoy your cup of Joe today!

church cartoons webcomic

Why the little things get us riled up

Cartoon of a guy eating a sub sandwich at church

Cartoon of a guy eating a sub sandwich in a church pew while a disapproving elderly woman looks on. the caption reads, “It all began when they allowed coffee in the sanctuary…”

I thought of this idea when I saw a lively forum discussion about allowing or refusing coffee in a church’s sanctuary.  Some were vehemently opposed to such nonsense. Others were insistent that all parts of the church should be welcoming and as long as it wasn’t a distraction, why not?

Personally,  I bring my coffee with me into the sanctuary. There was a time this was a no-no in our church. But we let go of that controversy years ago. I haven’t seen anybody bring a full meal into the sanctuary.

When I was younger, I thought of having a pizza delivered into the sanctuary (That would have been a major faux pas then). Hey! if it’s good for the youth group, it would be good for the rest of the church, right? Fortunately, young love and marriage kept me from such foolishness before I had the money to try such a stunt.

It does amaze me how little things like this can get people worked up. We focus on these little irritations because it is so much more difficult to focus on the difficult issues. It’s much more difficult to love your neighbor than to have an opinion on coffee/church etiquette.

I drew this for the February, 2014, Church of God E-newsletter.

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