
Scaredy Cats

Cartoon of two men talking

Cartoon of two men. One says, “It’s about your Grandmother, Son. She’s afraid your goatee will scare her cats.”


How to start your commute off wrong

Sketch of a woman threatening to sue all the commuter traffic

Sketch of a driving woman. The caption says, “I’d like to sue the entire city for reckless driving!”

I just have time for a quick sketch today. You know, there’s that commute I need to barge into the middle of!

I was thinking about two of my coworkers who are now telecommuting instead of facing the drive to and from work each day. That lucky guy and gal get to stay in their homes while the rest of us find out how bad the rest of the county drives. I just hope the woman in the sketch isn’t talking about me as well!


Beware of the Shedder

Cartoon of a dog moping in its doghouse. a sign says, "Beware of shedding dog."

Cartoon of a dog moping in its doghouse. a sign says, “Beware of shedding dog.”


Why students hate the balanced calendar

Cartoon of two boys waiting at a bus stop. One is wearing swim trunks, a backpack and flip-flops. He says, "If they're going to make me go to school in the summer, I'm going to dress like it's still summer." Cartoon of two boys waiting at a bus stop. One is wearing swim trunks, a backpack and flip-flops. He says, “If they’re going to make me go to school in the summer, I’m going to dress like it’s still summer.”

Once upon a time in Indiana, kids didn’t go back to school until after the Labor Day weekend. But today, as of August 1, 2013, some school systems are already in session.

I don’t know if the “balanced calendar” will help students raise their grades. But I do know for many, it has sure raised their ire!

books webcomic

Why have a book without pictures?

Cartoon of a boy with a book and some popcorn. He says, A book without pictures is like popcorn without salt.

What can I say? Pictures make a book more interesting. And I bet you agree with me too. It’s sad that society reasons you must have nothing but text on a page. Don’t get me wrong. Book design is an art unto itself and takes a lot of work to make it look perfect. But still, books without pictures have always looked boring and inaccessible.