School Cartoons

Big Head

Cartoon of a teacher and a boy with a big head

Cartoon of a teacher and a student with a big head. The student says, “You’re a great teacher. In fact, you almost gave me too much information.”


Float Them Down the River

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, "But if they did it to Moses, why can't I float him down the river?"

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, “But if they did it to Moses, why can’t I float him down the river?”

Don’t try this at home, kids! I drew this for the May, 2012 edition of the Church of God Newsletter.


Gift for Mom

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

What do you get Mom for Mother’s Day? Lots of love and a sincere thanks is a good start. I better start practicing!


Wilting Complaints

One of my recent cartoons just appeared in the April Edition of the Church of God Newsletter. You can see it here.

It’s about complaining. When I thought of this idea, I was thinking how criticism can sap the life right out of someone while encouraging words give strength.

children cartoons

Great Heights

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, "Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, “Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Heights and obstacles are a matter of perspective, aren’t they? Whenever a child is convinced an obstacle is just too much for them, I need to remember it really does look as big to them as they imagine it. Part of the challenge is to convince a student they can overcome an obstacle without belittling or minimizing their fear.

How do you get a child to overcome an an obstacle in a respectful, encouraging way? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “heights.”