Cartoon of two boys. One is in his house. He says, “Go on without me. I came home late and received a five dollar fine and a two-game suspension.”
Cartoon of a teacher and boy. The teacher says, “I want to thank you. Ever since you’ve been in my class, my prayer life has skyrocketed.”
Certain students can bring out the best in us, whether we want them to or not! Some kids know what buttons to push and can even look like an angel while doing it. But that’s okay. Many times, it’s the ones that challenge you the most, that turn out to be the leaders and influencers of the world. Besides, when they have kids, they’re bound to have one just like them!
I drew this for K! Magazine.
Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, “Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem.”
Don’t you just love how businesses and politicians react to their blunders? Typically, instead of admitting their errors, they will put some public relations spin on it. Come to think of it, we learn how to spin a situation quite early in life, don’t we?
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.