I know how you feel. But can’t you just start feeling good? I’ve been thinking about times I haven’t displayed emotional intelligence when I’ve had some glib answer to a complicated issue. It’s easy to do, isn’t it? It’s very easy to be an armchair quarterback when we aren’t the one dealing with an issue.
This article from Inc.com hit home for me. I’ve probably said these phrases to someone else more than once. Have you ever said…
- Can’t you just…
- I know how you feel
- How’s it going? Great, right?
Modern communication can be quite a challenge. It can be difficult because we want to be helpful. We also want to bring another person up when they’re feeling down. Yet, we tend to forget how annoyed we can feel when someone has a pat answer for a challenge we face.
I also realize the positive articles I post may turn off someone who is going through a tough time. I don’t know how you feel. Most problems are more complicated than a simple answer and I can’t possibly know your situation.
However, I also know we each need some positive content throughout our daily lives. I will resolve to continue posting positive articles while realizing I will need to handle it differently if we faced each other one-on-one.
We’re good, right? See? There I go again!