cartoon Christmas holiday

A Viral Christmas

Cartoon of a sick couple. One says, “This is the last year that for Christmas, we’re giving each other the flu!”There are some things that are just not nice to give. The flu, bronchitis, and a host of icky, sticky viruses and bacteria are way too giving They will find you, greet you and put you out of commission for several days.

Here’s to hoping your holidays will be virus free!

Career Christmas holiday

Black Friday Pilgrim Style!

Cartoon of a shopping couple. The man says, "This isn't the kind of pilgrimage they had in mind in 1621."

If you were Black Friday shopping today, my hat goes off to you! Me? I’m hunkering down and waiting for the crowds to subside before I do some Christmas shopping. December 23 at 11:55 PM  sounds like a good time to start!

Just fun

Happy National Coffee Day! 

  Coffee has been a creative juice for me since college. In honor of this day, I put the coffee gauge all the way to empty. It was an honor to do so. Enjoy your cup of Joe today!


Resolving to Avoid?

Cartoon of a sheep and a wolf

Cartoon of a lamb and wolf. The sheep says, “€œThis year, I resolve to stay away from unnecessary risks.”

One thing I have discovered over the years is that if I make a resolution to avoid something, that temptation doesn’t necessarily go away. Resolutions just don’t work if I phrase them as a negative. I can give up soda pop as a resolution. But if I don’t replace it with something, such as water, I usually fail.

So instead of thinking about what you’re going to give up this year, think about what good habit you can replace it with.

This month, my goal is to write five hundred words a day. Hidden within that goal is to regulate how much time I spend online. If I’m going to write those words, something will have to give. So while I may not be surfing as much, this will give me a better opportunity to write my blog. I also plan to explore writing my next book.

So what is your resolution for the new year? Feel free to leave a comment and let us know.


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relationship cartoons

Cartoon: She Loves Chocolates

Cartoon of someone throwing Valentine chocolates at a man

Cartoon of a man talking to another while a box of Valentine chocolates hurls towards them. The man says, “When she sees my Valentine gift to her, she’ll forget our fight. She can’t resist chocolate!”

I can’t recall this actually happening to me, though I probably deserved it more than once. I am thankful for my valentine of twenty-six years. I promise not to start a fight today, or in the near future… if I can help it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!