children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: on Youtube

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, "You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It's already posted on Youtube!"

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, “You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It’s already posted on Youtube!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.


Don’t forget the Old Media

Terry Whalin had a good article on the perils of ignoring print media

When new technology comes along, we tend to assume it will obliterate everything that came before it. When radio became popular, pundits claimed doom for the newspapers. When TV came on the scene, radio and newspapers where going to be history. And then came the Internet…

But Terry’s article reminds me it is foolish to totally leave print media in favor of the Internet. Sure, newspapers aren’t as large as they used to be, but they are still here. New technology may change the old forms of communication, but the old forms still have their purpose. Ignore them at your peril.

Social Media

Permanent Record

Sketch of a man surprised by seeing his permanent record

I was thinking about permanent records this afternoon. They may have been out there before, but the Internet has made record keeping so much easier and effective. It’s almost too easy.

I’m not one of those people who fret for the good, old days. Each era has its own triumphs and trials. Sure, the seventies were fun, but you couldn’t make me go back and relive grade school. You couldn’t even bribe me with my permanent record.

It’s a new era, and we must be aware of it. Whatever I do or post, can be out in cyberspace forever, or at least until all the world’s servers give up the ghost. I want to make sure whatever I post will be okay with an older me, or my kids… maybe grandkids. How about you?


Discovering Pinterest

I’ve been too busy to get one of my cartoons onto the blog. So I decided I should at least type something. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but I may not have that much in my inventory this morning.

Recently, a friend has invited me to join Pinterest. Now, I know what you’re thinking. No, that’s not where all my time is going! However, it’s fascinating how a social media site that’s based on images is taking off so quickly.

Honestly, I’m squeamish about putting my own images on there because of the rights you give away under the terms of agreement. I will reserve my verdict for that part of the site. In the meantime. I’m checking it out to see how others are using it.

Do you use Pinterest? If you’re an artist or illustrator, how are you using it?

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Religion Cartoons technology cartoons webcomic

Cloud Computing




Cartoon of to angels in a cloud. One says, “Just when I thought I got away from PC’s, along comes cloud computing.”

I drew this for The Church of God E-Newsletter. This month’s edition is here: