Book Review

Book Review: “Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth”

Leadership Pain: The Classroom for GrowthLeadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth by Samuel Chand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was just what the doctor ordered. My wife and I have gone through two years of leadership pain. We thought following the plan God laid before us meant sunshine and unicorns. When things didn’t go the way we thought they should, a friend recommended this book. It has been very instrumental in reminding me that pain is actually part of growth and leadership. It all comes down to this equation:

Growth = Change
Change = Loss
Loss = Pain
thus, Growth = Pain.

It is not something American Christians want to hear, but it has proven true for me. The book uses testimonials from pastors and non-profit leaders from many backgrounds. The author’s story is also a powerful anecdote on what happens when leaders persevere through the pain. I fully recommend this book.

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Sketch notes

Sketch Notes from 2014 Orange Conference: Public Speaking by Jeff Henderson

first page of sketch notes: Public Speaking by Jeff Henderson
First page of my sketch notes. The rest are below.
The 2017 Orange Conference is finished. I may post more sketch notes in the coming days. In the meantime, here is a set of my notes from the 2014 conference.

I attended a session where Jeff Henderson (@JeffHenderson), Lead Pastor at Gwinnett Church, talked about public speaking

Leadership motivation Sketch notes

How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins | Sketch Notes

Page 1 of sketch notes on "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge," by Clay Scroggins
Page 2 of sketch notes on "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge," by Clay Scroggins

At yesterday’s Orange Conference, I heard Clay Scroggins give a great talk on leading yourself. The big takeaway I got from this talk is the importance of balancing positivity with a critical thinking. It is important to think critically in order to make things better while keeping a positive spirit. it is a balance, much like balancing between an aggressive and passive approach in leadership. Neither extreme is helpful.

church cartoons Leadership

Boards, Committees and Servant Leadership

Cartoon of two men looking at a wad of paper. One says, "We need to form a committee to decide who will pick up this trash."

When it comes to the balance of power, boards and committees can be tricky. Some believe their goal is to tell other people what to do. Others don’t have a clue how to get the ball rolling on tasks as simple as picking up some trash.


Don Henley on the Death of Glenn Frye | Leadership Freak

Dan Rockwell has a great tribute to Glenn Frey and collaboration on his Leadership Freak post. You never know what kind if impact a chance encounter will make. Dan has a list of memorable teams and their businesses/achievements.

Source: Don Henley on the Death of Glenn Frey | Leadership Freak

No man is an island. We need each other. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since moving across the country is how critical it is to establish contacts in my new home. The Internet and smartphones make it easier to be in contact with friends and associates. Yet, there is nothing like face-to-face interaction to encourage creativity.

Rest in peace, Glenn Frey. Thanks for the music.