
Sit Still!

I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man’s being unable to sit still in a room.

Blaise Pascal

There is a time for everything. Unfortunately, we tend to not know when it is time to move and when we should sit still. We value action much more than contemplation, don’t we?

There is always a sales goal that we must meet. We have a production goal that has to be fulfilled. And who can forget that job that is very, smoking hot? And of course, there are plenty of distractions all around. How can our kids be so fidgety when we have work to do?

There are goals that need to be met. However, if there isn’t any time to sit still, we can lose focus on what is really important. It isn’t easy when we have so many demands.

brown tree with snow
Photo by Simon Berger on

Today, a winter storm is brewing where I live. Some of us will be forced to slow down and perhaps think for a while. It isn’t what any of us planned. But perhaps it is what we need to stop, sit still, and consider the bigger picture. May we all get a chance to stop and contemplate for a while. At the very least, it may be able to prevent us from some kind of human evil!

books Christianity discipline

Why We All Need Some Silence

Yesterday was a big day for me. I turned off the phone and I was in silence for most of it. At my wife’s suggestion, I read a book entitled, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, by Ruth Haley Barton.

I know! It was crazy. But what I feared the most actually was one of the richest days I’ve had in a long time.

It came after a busy couple of days. My wife is out of town. I went down to Florida to help him drive his car back to Indiana. And I know work will busy this morning after being out for a day.

I realize silence is a luxury these days. Our television, phones and life’s demands make it almost impossible to find some time for reflection. Yet it is so needed. We all need it.

We all need some time to meditate. We all need some time to consider where we’ve been, where we are and where we are heading. Since I am a Christian, it is even valuable for me to hear the still, small voice of God. 

So this morning, it is back to the workweek. I know I will have plenty to do, as I am sure all of you will too. Through it all, I encourage you to take some time to be silent. Even if it is five minutes during the day, It will do your soul some good.

Cartoon of a boy with a teacher. The boy says, "Recess was okay, but I need a moment of quiet reflection."