Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons illustration technology cartoons

No Paper Clips

Illustration of a woman showing an anti-paper clip presentation from a projector.

Sometimes, frugality in the work place and a desperate search for an outlet leads people to some odd campaigns. The lady in this illustration has had her fill of paper clips and she won’t take it anymore!

I drew this in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children's ministry cartoons Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Constructive Planning

Cartoon of a children’s pastor and an administrative assistant. The children’s pastor says, “Christmas is coming. Be sure we’re stocked up on red and green construction paper.”

I drew this for the December issue of K! Magazine. I hope you are stocked up on your red and green supplies!

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Parenting Cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Miracle in School Supplies

Cartoon of mother and son

Cartoon of a mom and son in a store. The son says, “They don’t have anything on my back-to-school list. I don’t have to go to school. It’s a miracle!”