Attitude Bible Proverbs

A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath

It can be frustrating when things aren’t going your way. Someone isn’t meeting a deadline. That stupid supply chain is ruining your sales! Why can’t that kid do what I ask when I asked him? There are plenty of situations to get frustrated about.

Each time the frustration builds, we have an opportunity to make things better or worse. You can raise your voice and invoke fear to get things done, and it may work in the short-term. But what does that do in the long-term? Fear-based leadership is no leadership at all.

And what happens if it doesn’t make things happen, but the angry words just accelerate between you and the other party? Fear-based leadership become less effective when the other party is no longer afraid—even angrier than you. Then you end up with bigger problems.

There are plenty of reasons to get frustrated and lash out. But Proverbs 15:1 reminds me how we reply makes all the difference.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)

The last two years have been frustrating for everyone. There is no shortage of stories on people behaving badly because of frustrations. We don’t know what a person could be going through or what they’ve lost recently.

When tensions are high, we have an opportunity to make things better or worse by our reply. A soft answer could make all the difference in your day and mine!

Bible Proverbs

Guard Your Heart

“Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

The other day, part of my pastor’s sermon was based on this verse. I thought of all the struggles we face each day to keep our hearts from turning bitter. The news can be discouraging. People say evil things to each other on social media. And we’re getting to the point we will say those things to others face-to-face.

We believe the end justifies the means. But does it? If we are in warrior mode every time someone disagrees with us, are we doing the right thing? If we feel winning is everything, has power corrupted us? If fear dominates, do we do things we would otherwise think are barbaric and unloving?

Guard your heart! Be careful what you put into it. If it is fear and anger—fear-based, abusive, angry actions will spew out. If it is love, joy, and peace, you and everyone around you will be much better for it.

Bible Proverbs

Proverbs 16:9

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

Proverbs 16:9 reminds me while it is good to plan, there are things I cannot predict, nor prepare for.

That may not feel very comfortable. Good and bad things happen every day. Layoffs, tough breaks, and a worldwide pandemic are just a few items that don’t make us feel great.

We can debate why things happen or if they ever should occur. But in the end, It is foolish to fight the unexpected things we can’t influence.

Lots of change will come into our lives.

  • Some of it will be good
  • Some of it will be uncomfortable
  • There will be unexpected twists and turns
  • One or two can be happy accidents
  • Others can feel tragic and unfair
  • Then there will be some that will make us shake our heads and roll our eyes

I choose to embrace the change God brings into my life. I will continue to plan and prepare for what I can foresee. But there are events, mishaps, and surprises no one can predict. It is best for me to know what I can control and make positive changes, while I let go of what is simply out of my jurisdiction.


Good News Gives Health

According to Proverbs 15:30, it’s official; good news gives health. We want to hear some good news so often. But it can be difficult to find.

I’m a self-confessed news junkie. Yet, I constantly see how, if I’m not careful, it can put me in a bad mood. I’ve blogged about this before in Who’s going to bring the good news and How about some good news? 

To paraphrase many a politician, after reading/hearing the news, are you better off than you were four minutes ago? I confess that most times I am not. It can be depressing to catch up on the latest news about viruses, wildfires, and hurricanes. And don’t forget it’s an election year in the United States. Yes, news fatigue is real.

How can we find good news in the middle of all this?

  • Take a walk in nature. Every time I go out I am reminded life does go on without the constant blurb of bad news. The squirrels and chipmunks are blissfully unaware of the world.
  • Volunteer to do some good. Just doing something to help humanity can remind us that we are not helpless to offer healing and relief.
  • Look for the stories of heroism. They are out there. Behind every disaster, there are people bringing relief and comfort.
  • When you see some good news, share it. We could all use a little boost.

During dark times, we could use a little light. We can remind ourselves that light overcomes darkness. Every morning, the sun overpowers the dark. Look for the light in a messenger’s eyes and take in some good news.

Attitude motivation

A Glad Heart Makes a Big Difference

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit. 

Proverbs 15:13 NLT

Today, it may be easy for you to think of something that makes you glad. If so, take the time to consider it and feel the smile on your face return. If nothing else, hanging around, creative, silly kids will help. It will make a big difference to yourself and those around you.

Or today, you may be going through a tough time. Depending on your situation, it may be good to remind yourself that there are aspects of your life that make you glad. It could be your family, friends or work that brings you satisfaction.

But if your heart is broken today, I realize none of this will help. It takes time for a broken heart to heal. Give yourself grace and time to mourn. You will get through this eventually. When you hold on, you will find reasons to make your heart glad once again.