Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Health Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Assisted Self-Help

The problem with improvement programs is that we really need assisted self-help. We need others to help us see our blind spots and improve. I drew this cartoon when I thought about this quandary. How do we get the help we need while still taking responsibility for our own actions?

Cartoon of a man and psychiatrist. the man says, “I came to you, Doc, so I could learn to take responsibility for my own actions. So far, you haven’t helped a bit.”

It isn’t easy! It takes humility to admit we need help. If we could have solved the problem before, we would have done so by now. Yet, we need determination and commitment from ourselves to improve any situation.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Bullying du jour

Cartoon of a bully and his dogCartoon of a boy and dog. The boy says, “I don’t feel good about myself today. Who can I ridicule in order to enhance my self-concept?”