Yesterday’s sermon was courtesy of Kyle Hayes. My big takeaway was his discussion on Locus of Control. Naturally, if we believe things are out of our control we claim we are victims of circumstance.
Yesterday’s sermon was courtesy of Kyle Hayes. My big takeaway was his discussion on Locus of Control. Naturally, if we believe things are out of our control we claim we are victims of circumstance.
Have you ever dealt with someone who plays the victim? Have you ever felt like one? Steve Southards preached on May 21, 2017, about Difficult People: The Victim.
On Sunday, April 30, Pastor Nathanael Lyon (Twitter: @nolyon) preached on Because He Lives, He Holds the Future. at Salem Church of God. Here are my sketch notes from his sermon.
My big takeaway was purpose must be connected with love. He did a great job combining the spiritual gifts chapter of 1 Corinthians 12 with the love chapter of 1 Corintians 13. The hinge of the two chapters is found in 1 Corintians 12:31
Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way. 1 Corintians 12:31 (NIV)
Thank you, Pastor Lyon, for Sunday’s sermon!
I attended a session where Jeff Henderson (@JeffHenderson), Lead Pastor at Gwinnett Church, talked about public speaking.
My day at The Orange Conference began with a great talk by Mike Clear (Twitter: @mclear).
My big takeaway was to lead by being strategic and use the rhythms of the seasons to help parents and kids connect.