
Happy Hallow-Reformation Day!

Happy Halloween(or Reformation Day)! Yesterday on my run, I encountered what must have been hundreds of birds. As I ran by a cornfield, I heard dozens of wings flutter and a flock took off for the safety of some trees. If it was darker, it would have been a perfectly spooky end of the day.

As I jogged along, I saw and heard more birds. They were chattering while trying to stay warm and dry. I thought about the upcoming winter. The number of birds will be dwindling soon as the cold and short food supplies will test them all.

We experience cycles of life, testing, and death all the time. The days are getting darker and colder where I live. Yet, in six months, it will be a time of rebirth and renewal. It will be a little reformation of the world around us.

Stay safe tonight! Know that no matter how dark things appear, no matter how many ghosts and ghouls come knocking, there will be brighter days ahead. Instead of being part of the dark, be part of the light. May you have a little reformation in your soul and be renewed today.


Autumn in the spring activity (in progress)

Puzzle_pg3_psd___71_8___Color_Fill_1__RGB_8___I’ve been working on an activity book lately. In this activity, the student finds and circles the activities that AREN’T spring activities. Though truth be told, I’ve seen a snowman in the spring time. He was mushy and didn’t look very happy, but those around him were more than happy he was dissolving into a puddle.

I am illustrating this activity for Warner Press. This book will come out January, 2015.

As I am writing this, it is autumn in my neck of the woods. What are your favorite autumn activities?


children cartoons

Cartoon: The Puddle

Cartoon of two children staring at a snowman

Cartoon of of two children staring at a snowman. One says, “One month, you’re king of the mountain. The next month, you’re a puddle.”

Winter is quickly fading away around here. All the snow people have met a disastrous end thanks to some warm temps and little reinforcing snow. Seasons remind us that change is around the corner no matter how young or old you are.

It also reminds us there are cycles in life. If you don’t like the way things are going, wait and they’ll change. On the other hand, if you’re king of the mountain, don’t get too comfortable up there. Things are bound to change sooner or later!