Exercise Marketing

How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

Source: How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

This article caught my eye because it resonated with my exercise experience. I began running after college. But it wasn’t until I took it seriously did I experience positive results. In fact, before I took it seriously, I was consistently gaining weight and had borderline high blood pressure.

I discovered consistency with a plan is more effective than sporadic bursts with no real strategy. This article has convinced me to treat my social media strategy in a more consistent, strategic approach.

Book Review growth

Genius and goal setting

Quote: "Genius is the ability to clearly visualize the objective." Dan Miller

I am reading, 48 Days to the Work You LoveThe above quote was in his chapter on change. It reminded me of Albert Einstein’s quotes on the importance of imagination

It takes a massive amount of imagination and faith to visualize the future. With imagination, we can see what has yet to be developed. With faith, we can pursue something others can not.

When President Kennedy said the United States would put a man on the moon by the end of the nineteen-sixties, it was technically impossible. Yet it was a vision the country embraced and did. It took courage, faith and a little vision casting.

Dan Miller’s quote just change my definition of genius.

Marketing Running

3 Days Until My First Marathon: Marketing and Marathons

Cartoon of a runner on a hoverboard. He says, “What do you mean, ‘No hoverboards in the marathon?’”

In three days, I will run my first marathon on September 16, 2017. In the spring, I ran a half marathon and decided my body was up to the task of a full one. After all, I am not getting any younger and I thought it was better to try now instead of waiting until I would have to use a scooter or hoverboard.

As I have trained for this marathon, I have thought about how it applies to marketing. Both can be taxing and both take preparation. But there was one aspect that stood out to me.