CHOG News motivation

A Difference Between Talent and Passion

Last month, I had the pleasure of interviewing Todd Braschler for CHOGNews. He is a talented guy with a heart for worship as well as for those seeking to find their calling.

Todd grew up in a talented family and he believed his career would be in music. However, he learned along the way he also had a passion for helping others “excavate” their God-given calling and gifts.

He reminded me that talent and passion are different. If you dig deeper into my site, you will see I have loved writing and drawing cartoons over the years. But my passion has changed. While I still love to draw, I love writing even more. I began seeing the written captions as more important than my drawings.

Talent is good. Finding your passion is even better. It is possible for someone to be talented at something they have no passion for. It can aggravate others who wished they had that talent. Yet, we are all different. We can’t all make our living at a talent, especially when we would rather be doing something else!

Sometimes, being a good steward of talent means finding the sweet spot between it and the passion. May you find that right balance!


Michael Hyatt | 7 Ways Successful Creatives Think Differently than Unsuccessful Ones

Today, I got a great reminder from Michael Hyatt on the keys to being a successful creative.


It’s definitely worth reading. Too often, creative people rely on talent. It also takes the right attitude, the ability to work with teams and do the hard work. It’s a great reminder that talented people don’t get a free pass to be difficult geniuses.

technology cartoons

Cartoon: Hacking Pet

Cartoon of a boy scolding a dog on a computer

Cartoon of a boy scolding his talented dog. The caption reads, “Skippy! Bad dog! There is no hacking in this house!”

I’ve come to the conclusion a dog’s main talent is hacking. My dog is a good hacker. She isn’t a computer hacker, but she is a very vocal hacker nonetheless.

When I heard Illustration Friday’s word was “talent, I thought of my talented dog.