
Monster Sketch Refined

Here’s my refined sketch of the monster. It was necessary to get a more polished sketch before I took it into Adobe Illustrator. While the first sketch was great for the idea. I now needed to build solid shapes.

I wanted the monster to smile. The original had that Bigfoot, deer-in-the-headlights look. Instead of a row of jagged teeth, I though fangs would give him a fighting chance in the wild. I also wanted to show some modeling to the body. The back arm needed to be behind the body. I also needed to make a break between the body and the back leg. The figure is now moving from being a hairy blob to something with structure.

Some of these things are personal preferences. Others are details I want to resolve before I take it into Illustrator. I wanted the arms and legs to be separate just in case I wanted to animate it later. That’s one of the great things about Illustrator is that it works well with Adobe Flash.

children cartoons illustration Illustration Friday

Animal Encounter

Illustration of a boy in safari gear. He spots a dog in the bushes.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “safari.”

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon relationship cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic


Cartoon of a boy and girl. The boy says, “You should go out with me. I’m an award-winning student.”

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Wardrobe Crises

Cartoon of a girl in a tutu. She says to a boy, “€œThis morning, I had a wardrobe crises.”

I’ve had a busy week. So I took this sketch right out of one of my sketchbooks. You get to see one of my doodles, raw and with all its attitude. Maybe I would’ve gotten a finished file ready if I didn’t have a wardrobe malfunction this morning.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday

Graduation Beginnings

This is an illustration of a baby in a cap and gown. I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “beginner.” It reminded me of how young we are when we go out into the world with our degrees. We think we are prepared and ready, but really, we are so naive about what is to come. We can never predict the good and bad that will come our way.