It comes out of nowhere. Most children’s directors and pastors get just a moment to rest before it hits like a lightning bolt. Yes, I’m talking about the shock of a stealthy vacation Bible school!
The plight of children’s pastors everywhere is when to begin planning for Vacation Bible school. Christmas takes precedence in December. Easter dominates late winter. Then before you know it, summer is here and there aren’t enough popsicle sticks empty toilet paper rolls, or school glue to satisfy all the VBS planning needs!
It takes a lot to run a program. With vacation Bible school, a director needs to consider the right time of day. They have to balance volunteer availability and the optimum time for children to participate.
In addition, it can be challenging to plan how many kids will show up. Is there another VBS down the street? What if all the kids in the community choose your VBS for that week? And what about sports? Are travel teams and vacations in full swing?
Then there is the challenge of a shorter summer vacation calendar for kids. Many schools have gone to a “balanced calendar.” That means summer vacation is shorter and activities get scrunched into an ever-shrinking calendar. June becomes prime time, baby!
So be kind to the person that is organizing your local VBS. He or she is probably searching frantically for enough cookies and punch to feed a devouring horde of elementary appetites! They have most likely been hit by the horror of a stealthy vacation Bible school!
I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.
Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.