discipline motivation

Self-Discipline is Hard!

I won’t lie to you. self-discipline is hard! It is especially tough when you are starting out and haven’t established a habit yet. Just why is it so difficult?

I am one of those guys that like to run. I’ve developed the habit for over twenty years, so I do have to remember when it was a challenge in the beginning. Still, when it gets cold and the wind is relentless, I don’t want to get out there either.

The other day, I had to bundle up to get out the door. It was Thanksgiving morning. I could have stayed in bed. My wife commented how crazy it was to get out there. I couldn’t argue with her. After all, in the short term, it didn’t make any sense to face the discomfort and go run.

In the short term, self-discipline makes no sense. But this verse has motivated me more than once over the years.

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

Hebrews 12:11 (NLT) via

Self-discipline is hard because we are drawn to comfort. Everything in the media caters to our belief that we shouldn’t have to do anything that isn’t fun and self-indulgent. Therefore, most of us look to the short-term pain and can’t see beyond the long-term harvest.

It seems like self-discipline is nothing but grief and pain when we are starting out. After all, any change we make faces resistance. However, I am here to tell you that if we hold out and do the hard work, we can reap a harvest in the long term. If you are starting a new self-discipline habit, Hold on! It is worth it!


Do You Spend More Time in the Past or Future?

Neither the past nor the future is a reality right now. The present moment is what we have today. Yet, it’s strange, isn’t it? You are reading this after I spent time in the past writing it. An action I did in the past results in another action right now.

I am thankful for my past. But like everyone, I have my regrets. There are things I would’ve done differently if given the chance. I uttered words and did things that in light of today, weren’t the best choices. I have grown from where I was. After all, the insight of a ten-year-old is much different than that of a forty-year-old!

I can’t change the past, but my perception of it changes over time. Science tells us our memories may have been distorted over time. We reminisce about the good old days but forget the challenges we had then.

The future is hazy. No one can predict it with one hundred percent accuracy. If a pandemic taught us anything, it’s that the future is far from certain. We can make plans, but they are always subject to change.

I tend to think more about the future. I can’t change the past, but I can make investments that could pay off later. An encouraging word in a blog, a helping hand to someone in need, and a positive growth mindset can pay off later. It’s not certain, but the lack of any kind of future investment certainly is.

If you sow seed in the present, at least some of it will bring a harvest in the future. Some may succumb to bad conditions. That is the risk you take. But not sowing seed is certain to bring a barren season.

So while I honor my past, I will use the present to sow investments in the future. And I hope you will too!


Keep a Dream Alive!

Dreams are important. They are crucial to change. I was thumbing through my notebooks and found this quote from 2012. I don’t see anywhere online where this Zig Ziglar quote is attributed, but it sounds like something he would say.

The reason the Israelites wandered forty years in the wilderness because they lost their dream.

Zig Ziglar

What a powerful quote! If you don’t know the story of the Israelites’ forty-year detour, it began when twelve spies venture out to assess the land they were about to conquer. Ten came back with a report that the land was fertile, but the occupants were too much to conquer.

Two spies reported with God’s help, they could conquer the land. The people listened to the ten spies with a negative report instead of the two that had faith. As a result, It took another forty years before they could return and conquer the land.

God gave Moses the dream and he cast that dream to the people. They thought they were ready until they faced opposition. As a result, it took forty more years of vision casting before the people were ready.

It reminded me of a dream I had six years ago that ended badly. When that happens, the temptation is to give up, lick my wounds, and coast. But a life without a dream is like being in a barren, dry wilderness. The wrong lesson is to learn to be comfortable in the wilderness

Yes, keep a dream alive!

Keep dreaming! Maybe the last couple of years have been hard on you too. Resist the temptation to just live in comfortable discomfort. If a dream ended badly, consider how that dream can be modified. Or dream a new dream! There is reason to keep hope alive and move forward.


Obstacles and Goals

There are obstacles, and there are goals. Obstacles are all around us and easy to spot.

  • They can be the construction zone that makes you late for work.
  • It can be a little virus that shuts down the world for a few months.
  • They can even be something good like kids or parents that need care or a challenge at work.

Nobody has a problem spotting obstacles.

Goals are harder to see. They require some trailblazing. Yes, may ask you to boldly go where no one has gone before. They can be part of a vision that is unique to you, your family, and your situation. Goals make us reach for something that may feel out of reach. And they may inspire you to go around, over, or through an obstacle.

We will always have obstacles. But not everyone has goals. We will always have things that frustrate us. But not everyone has a vision that will help them see beyond today.

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eye off the goal.

E. Joseph Cossman

E. Joseph Cossman

Mr. Cossman was an interesting guy. He would see an opportunity, then act on it. He perfected mail-order marketing and pioneered infomercials. He sold such items as “shrunken heads,” spud guns, and ant farms. Later in life, he would teach and inspire others to sell and market their products.

He saw an opportunity where others saw obstacles. That’s what a goal will do for you and me. It’s too easy to see the problems and bad news in the world. You don’t even need to look for it. It will come to you. It takes special effort to define goals and look beyond the everyday obstacles of life.


When we have unrealistic expectations

I wrote a post in 2014 entitled How do you know when criticism isn’t working. We all face criticism if we do anything of value. One of the most common reasons we face criticism is unrealistic expectations.

We don’t expect a dog to wash dishes, much less do it perfectly. We can’t expect a child to act like an adult. Yesterday, I witnessed a mom trying to reason with a toddler about leaving the playground. I felt for the mom because the child wasn’t interested in a logical argument. It just wasn’t going to work!

The pandemic has caused all of us to reevaluate our expectations. It’s going to be a while before business and society get back-to-normal. We don’t know what normal will look like in six months, much less a year!

When you have unrealistic expectations…

  • Rethink if you need to wait for better conditions
  • Give yourself and others grace
  • Consider if there is an alternative to meeting similar goals
  • Find ways to be positive while acknowledging the situation is less than ideal

You probably can’t have your dog wash the dishes or the cat tidy up the kitchen. But you may find a better way to meet the goal. And perhaps an alternative timeline is the way to go.

Cartoon of a dog washing dishes