Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Servant Leadership

We hear the term servant leadership batted around in all kinds of businesses. Investopedia has a thorough article on what it is, the pros and cons, and when it is effective.

When I originally drew this cartoon, I thought of how a dog is a willing companion and servant. Then I wondered how a cat would react to such behavior.

Cartoon of a dog and cat. The cat says, "My, my, my! You dogs excel at servant leadership."

This may be have been false advertising. My dog was definitely not much of a servant. In fact, there were some days, I swear I could get our cat to do more for the common good than our dog. Besides, if you had to put one of them in mortal combat, I’m sure the cat would have come out victorious.


Good and Bad Mentoring

Mentoring is quite the buzzword these days. It seems everyone has a mentor and isn’t limited to an office setting. Since it is so pervasive today, we need to discern between good and bad mentoring.

This cartoon shows what happens when it turns into a bad excuse for a gopher role.

Cartoon of an executive and a younger guy. The exec says, "I'd like to mentor you. We can start by you getting me some coffee."
church cartoons webcomic

Why brainstorming for service projects is so hard

Cartoon of two women brainstorming on service projects

Just why is brainstorming for service projects so hard?

It can be hard brainstorming about projects for others when there are dirty dishes in the sink and weeds in the front yard, can’t it? I’ve found I have no problem learning how to be selfish. It comes naturally to me. Before I know it, I’m thinking less about others who have it much worse than me and start thinking about my own little world. How about you?

I drew this cartoon for the Church of God Ministries e-newsletter.

Warner Press

Serve One Another

Activity Illustration exampleThis morning, I’m working on an illustration in Adobe Illustrator. The title of this activity is “Serve One Another.”

In this word puzzle, the student is asked what they would do if a friend forgot her lunch money. The student has enough money, but really wants an ice cream sandwich.